Just In
for The Red Dragon God of Domination

4/13/2021 c2 Whatevergirl
The epitome of stupid, right here!
7/18/2020 c2 R0gueMess1ah
The first chapter was pretty well written. I feel it could have been given some more description and had the story expanded on more. I’m assuming it was rewritten based on the date written at the bottom of the page. The second chapter...well, it needs some serious work. It’s choppy, multiple fragmented sentences combined into one sentence that doesn’t make any sense, questions and regular sentences made into one, and almost unreadable. I hope you are able to come back and rewrite this story, since I see a lot of potential in it.
4/16/2020 c1 EtheriousLogia
12/7/2018 c1 6father of humanity
Historia patética, das asco
10/14/2018 c3 Seatha
ophis was way way out of character im dropping it
9/19/2018 c1 KenpoDragonRoar
I read one paragraph and quit because the grammar is so bad it’s hard to read.
6/6/2018 c8 UnHolySith
That was the best story I have read yet I'm going to read is again WE'LL DONE
4/27/2018 c4 twisterblake2015
4/27/2018 c1 twisterblake2015
4/11/2018 c2 1GrayNeko
good plot but you need to rewrite it. I can't take it seriously.
3/3/2018 c8 darth56
sorry to hear that i liked this story i hope you write more storys and i hope you keep it up so we can have a good read now and then
3/3/2018 c8 6wanderingboy
Yes but once I near the end one of my other stories
3/3/2018 c8 2Hyena Writing
will you write another story?
2/17/2018 c7 Ignacio365
The appearance of amanda (fem arthur) is like artoria pendragon of fate grand order?
1/20/2018 c7 loquendo777
Mira compadre, esta es la historia mas ironica que e leido, pero es muy buena se repiten varias hecenas (modo zuculento 7w7.) pero es resto del guion es limpio nada antes visto
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