9/23/2019 c9 Guest
Ed x orhime is interesting pairings pulse I like this story
Ed x orhime is interesting pairings pulse I like this story
8/29/2019 c40 Koren
I love how well this story is progressing but darn it Orihime. She needs to figure out already that with her pinning over Ichigo, shes missing what is right in front of her. Also please, please, please, have her tell Ed and Al about Soul Reapers, ghost etc. Then again he wouldn't believe her without seeing a Hollow for himself. Anyway i look fprward to ready more so, update soon.
I love how well this story is progressing but darn it Orihime. She needs to figure out already that with her pinning over Ichigo, shes missing what is right in front of her. Also please, please, please, have her tell Ed and Al about Soul Reapers, ghost etc. Then again he wouldn't believe her without seeing a Hollow for himself. Anyway i look fprward to ready more so, update soon.
8/15/2019 c14 Tash
That hurt my heart
That hurt my heart
7/18/2019 c40
Well Orihime’s power IS rejection, I just never pictured it to be this kind of rejection.

Well Orihime’s power IS rejection, I just never pictured it to be this kind of rejection.
7/5/2019 c40 sacke110
Ah! What an emotional roller coaster! ...My poor heart. But I loved it.. but it was so sad.
Loving two people, but trying to focus on one of them while ignoring the other... that’s painful.
Also, I feel really bad for Ed. He got crushed indeed.
I wonder what the mission will be like, it’s probably hollows. I’m getting excited!
Also, thanks for clearing that up for me with Ed on the chapter before.
Ah! What an emotional roller coaster! ...My poor heart. But I loved it.. but it was so sad.
Loving two people, but trying to focus on one of them while ignoring the other... that’s painful.
Also, I feel really bad for Ed. He got crushed indeed.
I wonder what the mission will be like, it’s probably hollows. I’m getting excited!
Also, thanks for clearing that up for me with Ed on the chapter before.
6/25/2019 c40
2Asuki -The Infinite Archive
its kinda getting annoying on how the Elric Brothers are still ignorant of the whole Hollows and Spirit deal especially seeing there has already been several incidents.

its kinda getting annoying on how the Elric Brothers are still ignorant of the whole Hollows and Spirit deal especially seeing there has already been several incidents.
6/21/2019 c39
4Loveable Otaku
Been reading this for a while and I'm sorry for not reviewing, but you made Edward and Orihime my OTP. The way you write them they're so cute together and they act right in character for certain situations like this. ORIHIME! FORGET ICHIGO! EDWARD ELRIC HAS AN UMBRELLA FOR YOU! RUN INTO HIS ARMS GODDAMIT!
Anyway, keep it up cause this story is great. Lovely O out

Been reading this for a while and I'm sorry for not reviewing, but you made Edward and Orihime my OTP. The way you write them they're so cute together and they act right in character for certain situations like this. ORIHIME! FORGET ICHIGO! EDWARD ELRIC HAS AN UMBRELLA FOR YOU! RUN INTO HIS ARMS GODDAMIT!
Anyway, keep it up cause this story is great. Lovely O out
6/3/2019 c37 djmegamouth
I do hope that Ed and al find out about hollows soon I feel Orin I even has little reason to keep such a thing secret from them when they’ve been threatened on multiple occasions.
I do hope that Ed and al find out about hollows soon I feel Orin I even has little reason to keep such a thing secret from them when they’ve been threatened on multiple occasions.
5/27/2019 c39 sacke110
It happened! It finally happened! Bring out the fireworks, take a picture!
If I’m being honest, I’m disappointed that Ed regarded his worry about Orihime’s sad expression being a fluke in the beginning of the chapter, altho maybe I misread that, since he asked that at the end. And 31 thousand words? 100 pages? Damn.
Wonder what will happen to Nina.
Also... 10/10 great moment when Orihime was testing the dress. Hah!
The ball didn’t go so well, guess I should have known it would be filled with ... rude people... the part when they ate was nice though, it was a cute moment when she taught him some kanji. And then the dance.. nice.
So, the anime came out last year huh... the detective is on the case!
It happened! It finally happened! Bring out the fireworks, take a picture!
If I’m being honest, I’m disappointed that Ed regarded his worry about Orihime’s sad expression being a fluke in the beginning of the chapter, altho maybe I misread that, since he asked that at the end. And 31 thousand words? 100 pages? Damn.
Wonder what will happen to Nina.
Also... 10/10 great moment when Orihime was testing the dress. Hah!
The ball didn’t go so well, guess I should have known it would be filled with ... rude people... the part when they ate was nice though, it was a cute moment when she taught him some kanji. And then the dance.. nice.
So, the anime came out last year huh... the detective is on the case!
5/27/2019 c39 Jscar
Your probably right about the kidnapping thing but maybe after the part where lon fan gets her arm cut off he might find out about her powers and try to convince her to accompany him back to Xing. About the dragons pulse something I remembered is that the Xingese were able to do is sense the giant philosopher stone under Amestris though they didn't realize what it was until later I don't remember but did Orihime notice that. I guess another thing is that it was never shown if being an alchemist causes any difference in a persons dragons pulse even though it involves souls in some capacity as Mai hypothesized it and the fact that they could tell the Homunculi by the fact that they felt like a lot of souls in one spot.
Your probably right about the kidnapping thing but maybe after the part where lon fan gets her arm cut off he might find out about her powers and try to convince her to accompany him back to Xing. About the dragons pulse something I remembered is that the Xingese were able to do is sense the giant philosopher stone under Amestris though they didn't realize what it was until later I don't remember but did Orihime notice that. I guess another thing is that it was never shown if being an alchemist causes any difference in a persons dragons pulse even though it involves souls in some capacity as Mai hypothesized it and the fact that they could tell the Homunculi by the fact that they felt like a lot of souls in one spot.