Just In
for The Flower Princess and the Alchemist

3/28/2023 c54 tsukiko8511
I really love this story. You’ve done so well with it. I always wanted to see a FMAB and Bleach crossover and you have done the best. Ever consider being a writer? I’m a writer myself and can tell you have what it takes.
3/8/2023 c1 DracoSlayer46
When we will see Ichigo and the Soulreapers in Edward's world
3/4/2023 c3 9Lightning Ash
Oh, one last thing. That Rebecca OC you made was super unlikeable, forcing Orihime into stuff she felt uncomfortable wearing and being downright antagonistic to Ed for little reason. It was especially annoying given the fact she rudely demanded they, Al and Ed, help her look for her friend. Ed had every right to smash her. She knew he hated being called short, but she obnoxiously continued to call him shorty instead of just asking him for his name just to be an asshole.
3/3/2023 c4 Lightning Ash
I'm a little bored, tbh. Orihime being kidnapped by generic thugs felt really contrived. Sure, you're on the right track about Orihime being the self-sacrificing type but you forced it here. Orihime ONLY surrendered herself to Ulquiorra because the Espada were a considerable and dangerous threat to her friends, ones that could've slaughtered them at any given time at that point. The threat was palpable and real. Those thugs that took her weren't a threat. Yeah, they made some generic empty threat about burning the village down but ultimately, they demonstrated no power to restrain her and pull it off, thus weren't an actual threat she had to take seriously.

The way you wrote that forced scene is the equivalence to a random hollow rolling up on her issuing a vague, empty threat about hurting people if she doesn't come with it. Like, no, bro. She'll just glare at it seriously and beat it with Tsubaki. As someone else has already stated in the comments, Orihime knows karate and knows it well having knocked out two unseated officers that would be above average compared to a normal human.

She could definitely easily subdue a couple of generic thugs.

I noticed you watched the dub of Bleach, too, which is fine for the most part; though it's a bit saddening that it's affected Orihime's character a bit. Formality and politeness are a massive part of her character, after all. She would never call Ichigo or any of her male friends by their 1st names without the kun-honorific attached to them. She's way too shy to close that distance between them.
2/26/2023 c54 24Simply Christian
Ouch, you have my deepest sympathies for the loss of your notes. I’m in the midst of re-writing one of my Bleach stories, and I don’t know what I’d do if I lost my notes for it. I hope inspiration strikes you to help you complete your project!

And it’s funny that you think that the last quarter of this chapter was the weakest part, as the dinner scene was my favorite bit. I found it very suspenseful, as I was very worried that it would blow up somehow, either by Laurel being overly aggressive or Morgan being callous, but I was relieved that the dinner remained peaceful and ended on a good note.
It’s definitely going to hurt when we get to the end of this arc, as it is inevitable that Morgan will go from a self-centered womanizing jerk who had an opportunity of love and redemption, to being a murderous rapist monster as evil as the likes of Shou Tucker and Kurotsuchi Mayuri.
2/24/2023 c54 30JamesBlafking
Gran capitulo! Me encantó y pobre, me dio mucha tristeza su madre, esperaré el siguiente capítulo emocionado aún si tengo que esperar años, yo espero y te apoyaré
2/23/2023 c54 2TheEmeraldMage
Oh Goody the Morgan saga will have 2 more chapters after this. I'm trying to keep my disdain towards this character in the upper parts of my mind because honestly I do feel bad that most of your later stuff is completely gone and you will have to go back and re edit a lot of stuff from the previous chapters and take a break to start from scratch. I know that type of thing is awful and hopefully and I use that term with the utmost confidence that when we do finally reach the end of this story once we get to book 2 AKA season 2 whenever that will be it won't be feeling like it's gonna take forever to just try to get to several chapters of one arc only to get to another arc immediately afterwards. Just take your time with this. As for this chapter all I really got was Morgan meeting the parents, Esme's dad already sus about Morgan and finally Esme's mother liking the guy...only for her to die shortly after. It did definitely feel like that we're trying to get out of this story arc as fast as we can even with the massive and I mean massive amounts of details that are in between each story beats. I still do have a lot of questions like how the hell did the mod souls even come to that world. Hollows being in there is fine but the mod souls are the confusing part along with their hated of the Soul Society. Plus their hatred of the soul reapers or at least Morgan's hatred is something we haven't really been uncovering at all and it's just been in the background hiding with no real answers. The only slight good thing about this chapter is we kind of have a good handle on Morgan and Esme's relationship, even if it is the they don't like each other but they obviously do situation. Overall, it was nice to see this come back even if it means that we will wait even longer for the next one. Again just take your time, good job, hope you had a good set of Holidays and as always, stay healthy and safe!
10/29/2022 c19 Naruto Uzumaki
Great chapter dude
10/20/2022 c53 cynder fury
please update soon. I want them to get together and have kids
10/5/2022 c2 GamingGuy83
Nice Episode my friend
9/22/2022 c52 Tina
This is one of my favorite current stories I’m reading right now and cannot wait to see how you progress in the plot in the sequel. I love how you write the characters and bring them to life and I love how complex you make some of these OC’s. You also are really good at writing expressions and I can imagine scenes very easily because of it. I also love how you write Orihime. Orihime is one of my favorite female anime characters and you nailed her character so well sometimes it feels canon. You actually give her character and your description of mental illness is very accurate. I love that you actually give her mental illnesses and didn’t just go with the friendship overcomes everything troop so many authors do with her character. You truly made her human, and I love that so much. I actually really like the pairing you chose because it’s unique and fits in my opinion. I also love how natural the relationship is progressing. All in all, truly one of my favorite crossovers I’ve ever read and I will keep reading it and the sequel. Thank you for writing this amazing story.
8/29/2022 c53 ThePerfectldiot
There's a surprising lack of Alexander.
8/23/2022 c53 Wagyujak
This is just incredible I love this me the romance and pacing is trying to wrap her head around what she feels for Ed.(I now this is the wrong chapter but I just made my account so I am reviewing on things from other chapters)That second kiss was on point,while Ed mentally kills himself thinking of the worst case made Orihime mentally admit that she like to be kissed by I hope she comes a bit clean to Gracia,so she makes her come to her senses and drop the whole perfect girlfriend I dread the fact that Morgan is out on the street with Orihime at the same time,who know what could happen.
3/14/2022 c5 LovelyPieceOfPoo
Not really feeling the story at all. Just gonna drop
3/8/2022 c22 HeWhoShouldn'tBeNamed
It's no surprise Orihime has no fear of death. Worst case scenario, she dies and goes to Soul Society. A bit sad, but they'll all end up there eventually. The only thing she should btruly fear is either becoming part of a philosopher stone or being eaten by a hollow. In fact, she could potentially just resurrect her body from soul form. Geez...I just realized Orihime is potentially immortal to conventional means.
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