Just In
for The Flower Princess and the Alchemist

3/5/2022 c15 HeWhoShouldn'tBeNamed
Edward is never gonna figure her powers out. lol. He is a scientist. Her power is to subvert causality. The two are drastically opposite.
2/26/2022 c53 24Simply Christian
It’s actually my interpretation that it was Orihime was the one who brought Ichigo back from the dead, and once Ichigo’s status changed from “All Dead” to “Mostly Dead,” that’s when Hollow Ichigo’s Instant Regeneration kicked in. So while Orihime of course wouldn’t want Ed and Al to get hurt in the first place, it’s not like it’s beyond her means to heal them from anything up to and including recent death.

You know, if it weren’t for the fact that Soul Society condemned her to death as a Mod Soul, I can see Ritsuko getting along swimmingly with the Eleventh Division.
…Scratch that, they’d get along swimmingly anyway as frenemies on the battlefield.
And I think Ritsuko is on to something: I’d be all for a whole series where Morgan tries to prey on the wrong woman and gets his butt kicked for it. Candidates include Izumi Curtis, General Armstrong, and Unohana.

I wonder how Morgan would react if he learned that the one choice King Bradley had in his life was his wife (assuming the version in this story is Wrath; I can’t remember if it’s been confirmed yet). Given how much Morgan resisted the idea of returning to Esme because he interpreted as a human woman gaining control over him and infringing on his freedom, it contrasts to how in a life that was controlled by others, King Bradley’s only free choice was to be with a human woman.

Looking forward to the next chapter!
2/22/2022 c53 94erica.phoenix16
Thanks for updating. :)
2/22/2022 c53 tv girl
I’ve been following this fic for years now and it’s always impressed me how cohesive it is! I’ve got to ask how have you possibly outlined this story? Especially when the story got larger and larger with more characters and complexity? It’s also impressive how you haven’t lost the creativity for this as well. I really wish one day I can be able to write words for days like you. I truly believe you could be a real published author
2/20/2022 c53 30JamesBlafking
Gran he increíble historia, me muero por saber que pasará :3
2/17/2022 c53 2TheEmeraldMage
You did a good job in humanizing the mod souls, even if to me it is a bit better then the Homunculus. They do get on each other's nerves, but at least they can tolerate each other, so no big annoyance. Although teasing me with an upcoming fight with Roy but we are doing Morgan's really long backstory will make me go oh come on lol! As for this chapter, it was kind of nice tbat Morgan IS finding something that he wants to live for and not because it was premade for him and Esme does care for the rude soul as revealed by both the picnic and her wanting him to come back. Morgan's whole wanderer thing was going to annoy me because it felt like a bit of nothing, what with the info of the bases being attacked or that the father was proud of his daughter for learning alchemy. Thankfully, it did tie into him being a merc and even if it took him a year, he did come back for Esme, meaning we SHOULD be getting into what happened to her. But judging by the fact you said that her name has a double meaning...OH GOD NO! I think I know what will happen to her and I HOPE I am wrong so overall, while this chapter was indeed super long, at least it finally gave past Morgan a little bit of an arc and Esme is still the highlight of this very long Morgan's past arc. Still a nice chapter and as always stay healthy and safe!
2/17/2022 c53 4jadasimone16
I never thought that an evil sexual predator would have so much development. Well done, BloodPokemon101.
1/25/2022 c1 Esshayct
I would tell why I don't like the story, and ways to improve...but I'm not going to bother. No offense, but you seem like the type of person to yell and shout 'why don't you like my story?', the type of person who can't take criticism of any kind, even when it's constructive because it would shatter your inflated ego. Then immediately block a person for simply not liking your story. So, I'm not going to bother helping you to improve. I don't want to be yelled at for not knowing the 'genius' of a good story. I'm just going to drop this story, and be done with it. I don't want to read stories from authors I know I'm going not get along with. Stories from authors who don't want or can't accept help, then be yelled at for something so petty and trivial (like not liking their OC).
1/18/2022 c52 94erica.phoenix16
Thanks for updating. :)
1/2/2022 c52 24Simply Christian
Actually, by war standards, Ichigo and Co. got off very, very lightly in the fight against Aizen. Nobody on their side died (not permanently, anyway), no one (permanently) suffered from loss of limbs (except for Yamamoto, due to pride and stubbornness), and everyone except for Hinamori had recovered from their injuries within days after the war was over.
As much as I’m for raising awareness about the potential mental side effects one can experience from stressful, life-or-death situations, it should be remembered that not *every* such situation results in PTSD, so it is not impossible that canon-Orihime came out of the ordeal more or less mentally sound (though I imagine the sight of Ulquiorra killing Ichigo did haunt her nightmares).
So while not immediately, but after a month or two after Ichigo loses his powers, I could see Orihime thinking, “Okay, we just went through this life or death situation, so that makes me want to confess my feelings so even if Ichigo says no, I’ll have closure and not have any regrets.” The argument could still be made it might not be a good idea, but it sounds like the kind of bad idea a teenager in love would have after their lives had settled down.

Yes, we should be extremely grateful that one of the most story-breaking powers in “Bleach” is in the hands of a kind-hearted gentle soul.

If whatever was going on with the Soul King was so evil that Aizen and Tokinada would be technically correct to want to remove it, I felt like “Bleach” should have gone in a direction where after finding out the truth, Ichigo & Co. would agree with the end goal (doing something about the Soul King), but doing so in a humane and non-backstabbing manner.

Personally, I would have thought Orihime would have learned about Ichigo’s attempts to distance himself from his less spiritually-inclined friends in a conversation like this:
Orihime: “Hey, what happened to that one window at school?”
Tatsuki: “Oh, I punched Ichigo through it because he refused to tell me what happened to you, even after pointing out I could see his shinigami form and ghosts, so his whole spiel about me not getting involved was BS.”
And as Karin, Yuzu, and Chad from Season 1 can all attest, not being able to see Hollows does not protect you from them.
But on the other hand, rationality and feelings rarely go hand-in-hand, so even if Orihime did learn the above, I could see her thinking “but this is different!” in the situation she has with Ed and Al.

As for this chapter, I have to admit feeling nauseous for the latter part of it simply because it focused on Morgan, a character I find as revolting and monstrous as Aizen or Mayuri. However, as you remarked in your AN, it is not because he’s a badly written character, but because he is that evil. Even with more showing on his backstory, I can’t really drum up any sympathy for him. Morgan taking revenge on the doctor responsible for Esme’s death was bad enough, but taking it out on the man’s family, and then becoming an even more depraved individual after the fact for all the rapes and murders he’s committed makes him nigh irredeemable (and I only add “nigh” because of my personal belief that nobody is 100% beyond redemption). If Morgan loved Esme as much as he claimed, he would use her as an example to better his life, not an excuse to go on a rampage.

Looking forward to the next chapter!
1/1/2022 c52 5LightJakRises
It's a good look at Morgan, Nina and Orihime. I'd say you have empathy for your own creation. But empathy doesn't always mean support or approval so keep that in mind.
12/31/2021 c52 Aztec 13
Happy new year!
12/31/2021 c52 2TheEmeraldMage
I don't think I'll ever like Morgan but before that, I will say that I approve of Tammy being Nina's first normal friend her own age as honestly she needs a friend like that. I know it did hurt her when Tammy brought up her family issue and hopefully she will get better now that she has a friend. Meanwhile, Orihime is still going through more of her issues and is still trying to wear a mask to say that she is fine. Yeah, this will take a long while, especially since she is very stubborn but I pray that she will get better soon. As for Morgan...sigh. I am someone who no matter what you try to do with your villain, i will still never like them and Morgan is literally no exception. In fact, I think he is even worse and while I did enjoy the fact that there was AT LEAST one person who somehow was able to tolerate this asshole despite his very rude behavior...he STILL managed to be on my shit list because after some parts of the flashbacks, we cut to him screwing a hot nurse AND a hot receptionist which REALLY felt like a whiplash especially since obviously something happened with Esme to...come to think of it, apart from him being in love with her, not much seems to have changed with him other then something happened to Esme. Even then, I am 100% sure that I will still enjoy the inevitable Ed. Morgan fight whenever that will happen but I will call Esme a saint for putting up with Morgan which I guess that is why you gave the title of this chapter that obvious title. Sigh, anyway, my complete dislike of Morgan aside, the rest of the chapter was nicely written and we got some insight on Nina and Orihime so I can appreciate that. In any case, hope you have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and as always stay healthy and safe!
12/18/2021 c51 12345678910
Omg you are doing an excellent job I love it are the others going to be in it Ichigo and friends going to be in it are they gonna meet the brother so many questions lol
Love it so much hope you can update soon when you feel like it
12/1/2021 c51 94erica.phoenix16
Thanks for updating. :)
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