Just In
for Fate Overlord (Discontinued)

9/10/2018 c23 PasiveNox
Hmmmm yes yes yes great
9/10/2018 c23 Leyviel
I waiting for next chapter
9/10/2018 c23 6Lightningblade49
Heroic spirit will definitely even up the power balance between Ainz & Shirou while also giving a very big intimidation factor for Shirou because Ainz will definitely know who these people Shirou has summoned are.
9/10/2018 c23 1amerdism
Went back a few chapters to recap, cause I didn’t know what shirou meant by him doing something that can be taken badly when the village was attacked, which I still don’t understand honestly. Anyway, will blue rose now join shirou? I’m certainly hoping so. Also does he still have his true ancestors and blade works? Finally, I thought ainz could resurrect npcs?
9/10/2018 c23 Z.L.C. genesmith
As long as Gilgamesh doesn't make an appearance, I think things will mostly stay positive for Shirou, aside from a few bumps along the road. After all, the Golden King pretty much hates the "Faker's" guts, and would more likely attack Shirou on sight if the two of them were ever to be in the same room together again.
9/10/2018 c23 Shadic21
Good chapter, I want to see the meeting between Zesshi and Shirou.
9/10/2018 c23 Silverchris
Interesting, and the plot train keeps chugging right along. Very nice.
9/10/2018 c23 1tf330129
Keep it up :)
9/10/2018 c23 2VGBlackwing
quick question if shirou can use the throne of hero Summon will he only summon heroic spirit that befriended him and his EMIYA version and those he find equal to him or is it a last resort to use it
9/10/2018 c23
Genial capítulo esperó con ansias por el próximo capítulo.
Ya quiero saber que pasara con el arco de los trabajadores y emperador con respecto a Chaldea, espero que lo adaptes bien. Sería posible que Chaldea sea una los Jardines Flotantes de Babilonia así seria mas pequeño y menos tedioso para tu historia.
Ya quiero ver al Harén de milf's de Shirou. Si e que salen Gilgamesh y Enkidu que sean pareja sino es mucho pedir.
Sigue así con tu genial historia.
9/5/2018 c22 fate addiction
wat a great story please continue writing it.
m now a loyal reader.
9/2/2018 c5 10PervyPanda
How hard is it to say "no I came up with that myself"?
8/29/2018 c22 Guest
Prince ever gonna realize he initiated hostilities?
8/29/2018 c19 Fhrost
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