Just In
for Ichigo's Secret Trainer

10/17 c8 5PoofyOhio
Goddamn, only chapter 8 and they're already going at it, feels rather rushed.
7/18 c58 haligtree36
I just wanna spread positivity and I wanna say that this story was amazing,got me hooked up from the start to the end(and its so rare to even see a fanfiction with an end these days) Im amazed at how it turned out knowing you just went by yourself from chapter 14,I had one question tho(I dont really know the date) for baraggan and halibel were you inspired by their official segunda etapa in bleach brave souls? anyway have a good day(or night).
6/21 c8 4FleetMaster
Well wasnt expecting thay
5/10 c59 Guest
I absolutely loved this story this is really this is one of the the best fanfic if not the best bleach fanfic ive read the ending was really nice overall i love the story great work
3/23 c1 GhostSnoggAsh
This good story
12/3/2023 c1 1bibink729
11/22/2023 c58 Larro44-LL
This was a good story! Had me really anxious with everything that was going on lol. Glad it turned out alright in the end
10/22/2023 c58 1aitor.rosell.torralba
Absolutly amazing story, 9.5/10
10/21/2023 c16 aitor.rosell.torralba
I have to say that ppl have no imagination, there are various ways in which hollow holes could work that would allow fir her o become peggo, like holes being metaphysical and the organs still being there or the organs being displaced by the hole
10/12/2023 c1 7Savior16
It would be quite fun if this was extended to the thousand year war to be honest.
10/1/2023 c26 Guest
Can you rewrite this chapter?
9/20/2023 c30 4Juno Schnee Link
Tough thinking it isn't dangerous cause it is Stay so technically it is in danger
9/19/2023 c26 Juno Schnee Link
says the one that was a kenpaci
6/6/2023 c58 Guest
This was one of the best bleach fanfics and you actually competed it so I appreciate you alot as a Bleach fan and as someone who ships Harribel and Ichigo
6/2/2023 c12 kageknuser2710
I am very thankful he didn't give in to Yoruichi's advances. I would have stopped reading then and there.
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