Just In
for Invincible

9/2/2018 c1 msoPC
Veri n1c343gst0ri77
9/2/2018 c1 pmg4y
Veri n1c3fUlst0ri4d
9/1/2018 c1 8QgIb
Veri n1c3oNbst0riRL
3/26/2018 c3 Guest
11/17/2017 c3 45The DarkCat
Oh still sad. Nice ending though, liked the part how Soubi finally admitted his feelings to Ritsuka, it seemed quite hard for him and NiseiXMimuro was sweet to.
It's actually sweet how after all those years the people relaited to Seimei stayed together it really shows how strong of a bond was built between them, I think that was Seimei's effort and also maybe his death strenghtened their friendship aswell.
11/16/2017 c3 30halbarath
I like the idea that they would bond over this, every year. It's always nice to read your stories.
11/16/2017 c2 45The DarkCat
Omg this was so sad haddened expected Seimei to actually die it was do saddening what pain must have been for Ritsuka :'( can't wait for the finalle of this!
11/12/2017 c2 promocat
poor ristuka!but I do like how they are all "normal" here
11/12/2017 c1 30halbarath
Hi there !

Oh, I like it. It's a spell-free world isn't it? And yet, Seimei seems to have some sort of influence on the others at least on Soubi and Nisei. However, I just loved reading Soubi tell Seimei to shut up - that was priceless. byt he way, there are a few typos on the way. I can beta-read if you want... ;-)
11/11/2017 c1 promocat
drunk seimei & Nisei-this will NOT end well!

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