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for The Fallen angel and Dragon natural hybrid

4/13/2023 c2 teamo12peri
Yeah this is fucking cringey ass virgin trash you virgin
7/9/2019 c6 ryani
The story is good but a little fast paced it would be good to have started with issei growing up before starting the current timeline. Then doing the story you did but a bit slower instead of all the timeskips. But i would like to see this story updated again
7/1/2019 c6 ralphwillis26
please update it a great story
9/2/2018 c1 ShadowWarrior597
7/28/2018 c3 Guest
4/28/2018 c6 Blake2020
oh ok
4/28/2018 c5 Blake2020
i see
4/28/2018 c4 Blake2020
4/28/2018 c3 Blake2020
loving it add serafall to his harem
4/28/2018 c2 Blake2020
4/28/2018 c1 Blake2020
4/25/2018 c6 6wanderingboy
I took inspiration from the story, the only other dragon/fallen hybrid is Samuel.
4/24/2018 c1 Lord Oda Nobunaga
Why do I have a feeling that this story is a slight copy of “Fallen Scales”?
3/18/2018 c1 Guest
Yes ! An update
3/19/2018 c6 3OechsnerC
You like to use the word sins. But do you know what that means? I think you are trying to use the word since.
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