Just In
for The Last Peverell

2/14 c112 ASKreader
Great story idea! Worth the time. Needs an editorial pass to fix malaprops and homophones, but otherwise mostly clean. I really liked this, and have added it to my favorites.

Thank you!
1/27 c5 avarath1
She tells Remus she’s hever gotten sick, never having a cold or the flu, but she tells Sirius that she lost her eye in sadistic training while sick with the flu.
1/21 c112 szymon.d2512
Beautiful, Thank You!
1/13 c1 7Sergeant Sargent II
"dadfoot" got me. i actually burst out laughing. im amzed that i haven't seen that before, well done. also, im stealing that if i ever write something where it fits.

thankyou for the story, im glad i found it. the beginning was familiar, i think i started reading this years ago before it was completed, and just rediscovered it last week. i binged the whole thing over Friday and this weekend.
1/13 c112 Sergeant Sargent II
"dadfoot" got me. i actually burst out laughing. im amzed that i haven't seen that before, well done. also, im stealing that if i ever write something where it fits.

thankyou for the story, im glad i found it. the beginning was familiar, i think i started reading this years ago before it was completed, and just rediscovered it last week. i binged the whole thing over Friday and this weekend.
1/11 c112 Kawilger
Its been such a long time since i favorited this story. (2018) Had a look throughthem recently and found this wonderfull completed story :) thanks for completing it
12/31/2024 c112 miajogreenwood
i love this fic sm, i have reread it about 5 times amd its always so good, your an amazing writer and the way you write your characters are amazing
12/31/2024 c13 rina
honestly, i'm so grateful to be able to binge your story years after it's been completed, I don't know how i'd deal with the anticipation between chapters.
12/15/2024 c112 Guest
Absolutely phenomenal work and always a delight to read!
12/12/2024 c112 ArkaneHacker
I want to say that this was one of the best stories I've ever read. Thank you for taking the time to write all this. I remember having my friend's dad print the entire page of this and send it to us while we were doing military training and had no access to the internet a few years back. I recently remembered reading up to chapter 80 when it was new and I wanted to finish reading it. You are an amazing writer.
11/23/2024 c68 Eaken
yuck that's nasty Sirius is basically the only father figure harry ever had
10/31/2024 c112 1Wildheart21
that was a very very good story I thoroughly enjoyed it I do wish that I could have read it as it was being written but I only just found it like a week ago. what really caught my attention about it was the fact that the character of death was greatly involved in it the character of death was only likely mentioned in JK Rowling's story and the master of death stuff was just glossed over I like how you Incorporated death and the master of death premises from JK Rowling's original stories and made a whole fic around it. at the time I'm reading this the story has been done about 3 years almost home I don't know if you've written anymore since but I made very well check out any future stories
10/20/2024 c112 Cele13hrt
A really great, fun read! Jasmine was a really interesting character, and much more formal than I would have expected, but it works in this story.
9/28/2024 c112 kushka
Great story
9/25/2024 c112 Guest
This was so fucking good. Literally everything I look for in a time travel fic.
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