Just In
for Warriors From An Unknown Land

4/28/2024 c7 edsonmoreno223
When the next chapter
And please make gohan pair with hinata that would be dope
7/12/2022 c5 Ptolemyspyjamas
Uh. Gohan trained under Picolo. He probably thinks Hiashi is too soft.
8/20/2021 c5 Guest
Characters are OOC as all fuck, also doesn't matter if the chakra can hit internally his insides are still to strong to be hurt by them.
8/20/2021 c2 Guest
So you are nerfing them.
6/22/2021 c7 Dj hayes
Can you please continue this story
1/20/2021 c1 Bluzerker
I know this is an m rating but so far there ain’t any sex yet, nor visceral gore. Maybe you could keep it that way? I know your the author and you do what you want. But I’m not a fan of porn. Not romance to that extent either, I hope you don’t take it the wrong way since I know that you don’t like criticism, up to the point of censorship to flamers. I am open minded to understand on why people like writing lemons and having polygamy. But I will stick to my beliefs.
1/4/2021 c7 Te Amohaere Peri
Not bad not bad at all gohan now what's gonna happen to haku and zabuza
1/3/2021 c5 Te Amohaere Peri
Yep this chapter is unrealistic as hell
1/3/2021 c2 Te Amohaere Peri
You do know genjutsu doesn't work with a chakra network right the only exception is the infinite tsukuyomi
6/16/2020 c7 Guest
Ok, now for a real review. You managed to keep Gohan’s character true to the canon as well as his power while managing to make the scenes fun and interesting to read. A lot of authors “nerf” characters just to try to make fight scenes interesting and while I can bear that, it just ruins it a bit for me. So thank you for not doing that with this story. I do hope Gohan manages to make more friends though and that some people would warm up to him more.
6/15/2020 c1 DDusk
Actually, nvm

This story is better in some ways as well. If you want to just do this story, that’s fine too.
6/14/2020 c7 DDusk
Hello, this isn’t exactly for this story but, will you be back to update “Mirai Shinobi: Parabellum”? A lot of readers are waiting for its return. It’s a great story!
6/6/2020 c1 Sarahmounik
Nice chapter;))))))
6/3/2020 c7 1SonRanma1
Good story. Feels more authentic then many others I've read. Looking forward to the next chapter.
6/3/2020 c1 alarak929
please update devil of the league
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