4/28/2024 c7 edsonmoreno223
When the next chapter
And please make gohan pair with hinata that would be dope
When the next chapter
And please make gohan pair with hinata that would be dope
8/20/2021 c5 Guest
Characters are OOC as all fuck, also doesn't matter if the chakra can hit internally his insides are still to strong to be hurt by them.
Characters are OOC as all fuck, also doesn't matter if the chakra can hit internally his insides are still to strong to be hurt by them.
8/20/2021 c2 Guest
So you are nerfing them.
So you are nerfing them.
1/20/2021 c1 Bluzerker
I know this is an m rating but so far there ain’t any sex yet, nor visceral gore. Maybe you could keep it that way? I know your the author and you do what you want. But I’m not a fan of porn. Not romance to that extent either, I hope you don’t take it the wrong way since I know that you don’t like criticism, up to the point of censorship to flamers. I am open minded to understand on why people like writing lemons and having polygamy. But I will stick to my beliefs.
I know this is an m rating but so far there ain’t any sex yet, nor visceral gore. Maybe you could keep it that way? I know your the author and you do what you want. But I’m not a fan of porn. Not romance to that extent either, I hope you don’t take it the wrong way since I know that you don’t like criticism, up to the point of censorship to flamers. I am open minded to understand on why people like writing lemons and having polygamy. But I will stick to my beliefs.
1/3/2021 c2 Te Amohaere Peri
You do know genjutsu doesn't work with a chakra network right the only exception is the infinite tsukuyomi
You do know genjutsu doesn't work with a chakra network right the only exception is the infinite tsukuyomi
6/16/2020 c7 Guest
Ok, now for a real review. You managed to keep Gohan’s character true to the canon as well as his power while managing to make the scenes fun and interesting to read. A lot of authors “nerf” characters just to try to make fight scenes interesting and while I can bear that, it just ruins it a bit for me. So thank you for not doing that with this story. I do hope Gohan manages to make more friends though and that some people would warm up to him more.
Ok, now for a real review. You managed to keep Gohan’s character true to the canon as well as his power while managing to make the scenes fun and interesting to read. A lot of authors “nerf” characters just to try to make fight scenes interesting and while I can bear that, it just ruins it a bit for me. So thank you for not doing that with this story. I do hope Gohan manages to make more friends though and that some people would warm up to him more.
6/15/2020 c1 DDusk
Actually, nvm
This story is better in some ways as well. If you want to just do this story, that’s fine too.
Actually, nvm
This story is better in some ways as well. If you want to just do this story, that’s fine too.
6/14/2020 c7 DDusk
Hello, this isn’t exactly for this story but, will you be back to update “Mirai Shinobi: Parabellum”? A lot of readers are waiting for its return. It’s a great story!
Hello, this isn’t exactly for this story but, will you be back to update “Mirai Shinobi: Parabellum”? A lot of readers are waiting for its return. It’s a great story!