Just In
for The King is Alive

10/6/2022 c6 38sailorlyoko4life
I love this take on evil King jaden! He's actually more real in this story. Its very refreshing. And im glad someone else sees that yubel isnt terrible. Plus, she actually is very pretty. I always loved fianceshippingalexisxjadens ship name to most) but the show really didnt developher character until the 4th season so i fell off of it. Im all in for spiritshippingjessexjaden) and yubel teaching jaden what love is and supporting them.

I love yubel. She is the most interesting character in gx really. So many emotional layers to her. I love jaden of course but i think yubel being bonded to him helped him develop and grow himself in the 4th season. I see shipping them, i do. Im just not on it. But i love them and thier bond nonetheless.

Anyway, I love this story and would love to see it continued! Reviews give insperation!as a writer i know the feeling lol)
1/11/2019 c6 Guest
Come on dude please update already
5/30/2018 c6 Guest
I was expecting this to be better. What a letdown.
5/28/2018 c6 Guest
Yo, Chessru, you mocking Higuchimon? Because if so, you're a true blue hero.
5/28/2018 c6 SakuraDeatliv
Awesome story. Update soon :D
5/27/2018 c6 LouisReads10
Please keep it jaden x alexis
3/30/2018 c5 Guest
Asswipe... Just kidding, good chapter. As for the quality, it's alright, just Jaden in doubt.
2/8/2018 c4 Knoctis00
more story
1/31/2018 c1 13narusakufan1985
This sounds pretty interesting. Please continue. Jaden and Alexis forever.
1/24/2018 c4 gxfan537
This is really good. Will it have a happy ending?!
1/22/2018 c4 Eliarin
Awesome story! Please continue!:)
1/9/2018 c4 ABS0LUTE
Nice, very nice. Needs more chapter
1/8/2018 c4 23AzraelVoorhees
Good, please continue.
1/8/2018 c3 18The-Artful-Trickster
Shouldn't one eye be golden and the other orange instead of one golden and the other brown?

You have Kuriboh speaking English? Okay...weird, but how is Alexis suddenly able to not only see spirits but also understand them? (In the anime even Chazz couldn't understand Winged Kuriboh, he could see and hear it's coos.)
1/8/2018 c4 The-Artful-Trickster
My advice is to not include a OC. Develop the characters you already have here. Yes they aren't originally yours, but this plot, this storyline is. We know what happens canonically in the series, but it ends where the show ends. You've changed that. You've made this your own - use this as a chance to make us want more from the characters already here. (Think about it this way, you see something on a menu at a restaurant. The name isn't important, and neither is the dish. You've had it before, it's a dish you know, you've had. What makes it interesting that you'd want it again? What's new, what's different?)

I know you want to improve your writing 'skillz' but it's much more challenging to keep the canon characters 'in-character'. If you include a OC at this point, you will fall into the trap most authors do when starting out in writing, in that you eventually make the story all about your OC, sidelining the original cast. Plus it's really easy to make your OC Mary-Sueish, and you wouldn't even know you're doing it.

Don't include an OC unless you really, really have too.
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