Just In
for It's Just A Spark

12/19/2017 c5 2BrawlerGamer
LOL Toothless, the original Hiccstrid shipper, too bad the two love birds didn't take the hint. Their interactions were still cute nonetheless
12/19/2017 c4 BrawlerGamer
Oh Hiccup, your father is just protective of you :D
12/19/2017 c3 BrawlerGamer
As far as first dates goes, that was pretty cute :) Though I'm surprised you already had Hiccup lost his leg. I'd had thought he would have lost it on the job while trapped inside a building
12/19/2017 c2 BrawlerGamer
The hilarity continues, oh this is great. Ruff cracked me up so bad
12/19/2017 c1 BrawlerGamer
Just found this story and I must say, not only do you have my interest in the fact that Hiccup's a firefighter, but the comedy here is pure gold!
12/19/2017 c5 aaquater
I can't stop marvelling at how they complement each other so perfectly. And how the atmosphere you're creating is so tangible it's incredible.

When Astrid said, "I always forget to set an alarm elsewhere," I imagined Hiccup retorting with something like "You never forget to set off an alarm elsewhere - and then I have to go save your life," but that might be just me, what you put there is great regardless XD
12/16/2017 c4 Guest
Good update, and thanks for updating regularly. I love this story!
12/18/2017 c5 4CajunBear73
Pretty thick is the tension between those two...but for now, it's helping to build a strong base from which they go forward.

I get a vibe that they are about to make life/career changing decisions shortly.

Besides going beyond that third date, that is.

12/17/2017 c4 aaquater
Aww, how is this so sweet and funny and amazing?!
12/16/2017 c4 Warlocktoungue
Awwwww! Your fic is so cute!
12/16/2017 c4 CajunBear73
So...they are smitten with each other...cue the friends/families and their 'contributions' from the peanut gallery...

Hope all goes well on their second date...but you never know?

12/14/2017 c3 Guest
This is wonderful. Thank you!
12/14/2017 c3 Tak
Tuff reaction to news that Astrid is on date was priceless
12/14/2017 c3 Dlydragon
Nice date, they have the spark alive and hopefully it will increase. I hope astrid does not re-ignite your study
12/16/2017 c3 31Draco38
Great job, keep it up!
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