Just In
for Saving All My Women

9/16/2024 c16 jk2007
Im not sure if you still read these reviews but I really like this story. I love it from Ranger’s perspective. How much money does he have for all of this, is he a billionaire lol.. His planning ability is off the charts. Thanks for sharing this
7/30/2024 c36 Guest
Helen Plum is a bitch and she should marry Morelli.
9/30/2023 c36 Guest
Helen Plum is a toxic bitch. Hope the harpy does not choose a frilly wedding dress for Stephanie
4/12/2023 c6 klo21
Who the hell is this skylarwhy is he talking to her that way?!
11/4/2022 c36 Guest
Helen is still a bitch.
5/17/2022 c35 17Raven2609
sorry me again. accidentally send before i was done.

so all in all maybe rewrite samw or another version.

again im not out to hurt you but there's more potential.

all my love bea
5/17/2022 c36 Raven2609
hi so i want to give you a little feedback.

your writing style is pretty good but you lose yourself to much in the details so that its easy to forget the red thread or to get bored. f.e. volcano seahorse cabanas( repeatedly descripted) i don't need the exact pattern of a carpet. yes to a little info but not the whole history.


i get that's a Ranger centric story but i have some rather harsh feelings about him and some other. I'm not out to hurt you but help you. and I will be as polite as i can.

overall I'm happy with Ranger but he is too much of a pushover concerning his family. i get its difficult to deal with family that is living essentially in a different world than you but he should have stood his ground a little more. yes it's his fault they are in danger but he is also the expert and the paying party and he tries to make it as comfortable and fun as possible. more cooperation gratefulness understanding obedience from his family would have been better. (mom dad). f.e. kicking jolio out in LA. more restrictions to oshanna. mom just said kick the leak out and then a complete aboutface and emotional manipulation. there you could have made more of it more friction between Ranger and his mom open her eyes about her treatment of them and him more Papa manoso like a big blowup where Ranger tells them some hard truths and so on. and maybe it would have been better to bring then into real lockdown in nowhereland after the whole oshanna Twitter deal. Ranger really tried but enough is enough. and lives matter more than fun.

more interaction between Ranger and les and more of les he is part of the family he should have gotten a bigger role.

his interaction with skylar was also too much over the top. sometimes it sounded almost mockingly.

Now to the hardest part for you to hear I'm really sorry but your portrail of Stephanie was really really bad. and totally ooc.

She was nothing more than a dumb dressup Sex doll. no charm no zest no depth no determination no stubbornness no spidey sense nothing. she could have been an asset to this op by laying down the law with oshanna and Co but she was as annoying as them. im sorry again but ...

i wished you would have written multiple pov of the family mm and the bad guys.

you ignored the Boris arc he is the real bad guy there must be history who is he really motive etc.
following up with skank was to little. (it was like 2 sentences)
5/17/2022 c36 Raven2609
hi so I've read it and i want to give you a little feedback.
your writing style is pretty good but occasionally you lose yourself in the details and i had to skip back to not lose the Red thread. you write to much of insignificant info for my taste.

now i get it is a Ranger centric fic and mostly I'm happy with him but with his family he is to much of a pushover. yes family is difficult to deal with but its to much f.e. i would have send
10/27/2021 c36 ChristinaS
Thank you so much for a fantastic story!
I know I should have reviewed each chapter, but I got so caught up.
I loved the whirlwind trip Ranger arranged for his enroute family. I have to say that some of his siblings really came off as spoiled, self-centered and especially greedy; Oshama in particular. I wouldn't have had nearly the patience Ranger did. Thank God Ranger's father has a level head, since his word seemed to be final.

I can't wait to start the sequel.
5/25/2021 c35 Guest
Well done, especially for a first story. I like how Ranger’s family actually got to experience the man he has become and realize he’s not the troubled kid any more. But I really hate to selfish, spoiled, and ungrateful his family is. And, frankly, I don’t see Ranger putting up with their bullshit. Also, I hate how prudish you made everyone. Stephanie whispers to her fiancé that she needed tampons. Seriously? She is 30 something years old, not twelve. Ranger says shit and his mother gasps? Nah. I’m a Jersey girl born and raised. We say fuck and we say it proudly and not once has my mother gasped and clutched her pearls.
5/8/2021 c1 HPforever2018-3
I read JE stories because they are fun and light. I read Plum ff for the same reason. This story is nothing like that. Reading about Steph being given heroin and then tortured and gang raped was so far out of the Plum world, that I am actually angry that the writer did not mention in the prompt, that this ff is very non canon and filled with extreme violence and exteme sexual abuse. In my opinion this kind of story does not belong in the JE ff world.
1/17/2021 c36 Fuzz79
I really enjoyed this story. You did a great job developing the characters. I couldn’t read the violent sections. Thank you for the warnings and option to skip. Looking forward to next story!
1/16/2021 c19 Fuzz79
Ranger was too nice should have shipped him off to a Stan
12/13/2019 c35 KellyGirl
OK, I know I may be a little late to the party & that I’m being selfish, but I vote for a sequel & more stories from you! I love your writing style, it’s so in-depth & well thought out. Please keep working on the sequel, as I intend to start it as soon as I finish this. I really look forward to reading more from you. You have a great talent. Thanks so much for this.
12/12/2019 c26 KellyGirl
Loved being able to check out the mercenaries on your Pinterest board. Thanks!
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