3/14/2018 c28 GarbanzoBeans
Glad the girl was able to go home to good people. Now the end is near for the nightmare.
Glad the girl was able to go home to good people. Now the end is near for the nightmare.
3/13/2018 c18 daxandpat
Well, that's exciting. Glad to know that Steph isn't jealous. Ranger really does love her and it's lovely to see. Revenge is obviously up on the plate soon.
Well, that's exciting. Glad to know that Steph isn't jealous. Ranger really does love her and it's lovely to see. Revenge is obviously up on the plate soon.
3/13/2018 c17 daxandpat
Wonder what it will take to make Steph realize she has no reason to be jealous.
Wonder what it will take to make Steph realize she has no reason to be jealous.
3/13/2018 c16 daxandpat
That was a HUGE step telling her Mom. Glad to see it done. Now they really need to get rid of the bad guys.
That was a HUGE step telling her Mom. Glad to see it done. Now they really need to get rid of the bad guys.
3/12/2018 c28 KParker
Very cool how he wiped out all in one day
Very cool how he wiped out all in one day
3/12/2018 c28
3Vulcan Rider
Fantastic chapter. I'm curious about how the US Government will accept the destruction of this DEA/ATF problem. It will probably cause some economic backlash because of the supply of legitimate products such as the coffee burning up, but it had to be a total destruction to make the point. At least the Military will know that if they can't get the job done themselves, Ranger will take care of it with a team of his own. No wonder they were always pressuring him to sign new contracts. I wouldn't be surprised to see them approach him with a "Get Out Of Jail Free Card" to take on missions after seeing this.
I'm curious if this Boris person and the Saint (Santiago) persons are going to be a problem now that Sergio is out of the way. I'm also curious as to who kept leaking the classified files, and if it was Boris? Perhaps with some "encouragement" Ranger can find out and permanently plug that leak.
Ranger has handled this very intelligently, and covered himself as far as the businessmen who would have come after him. I'm glad that he is going to be able to pay his men what they are worth and I know he will give them each a hefty bonus. It will be interesting to see what Morelli has to say/think when he gets the news about Sergio Valentino's businesses and fields, as well as his compounds and warehouses all burning to the ground overnight. Perhaps he will finally learn to shut his mouth about Ranger and recognize that anyone who could pull something of this magnitude off, has skills he will never even imagine gaining. Maybe he'll finally lose the arrogance and gain some healthy fear of Ranger.
Excellent chapter to an outstanding story. This has been one of my all-time favorites and will definitely be read many times. Thanks so much for your hard work in writing it and sharing it with us.
Maggie M.

Fantastic chapter. I'm curious about how the US Government will accept the destruction of this DEA/ATF problem. It will probably cause some economic backlash because of the supply of legitimate products such as the coffee burning up, but it had to be a total destruction to make the point. At least the Military will know that if they can't get the job done themselves, Ranger will take care of it with a team of his own. No wonder they were always pressuring him to sign new contracts. I wouldn't be surprised to see them approach him with a "Get Out Of Jail Free Card" to take on missions after seeing this.
I'm curious if this Boris person and the Saint (Santiago) persons are going to be a problem now that Sergio is out of the way. I'm also curious as to who kept leaking the classified files, and if it was Boris? Perhaps with some "encouragement" Ranger can find out and permanently plug that leak.
Ranger has handled this very intelligently, and covered himself as far as the businessmen who would have come after him. I'm glad that he is going to be able to pay his men what they are worth and I know he will give them each a hefty bonus. It will be interesting to see what Morelli has to say/think when he gets the news about Sergio Valentino's businesses and fields, as well as his compounds and warehouses all burning to the ground overnight. Perhaps he will finally learn to shut his mouth about Ranger and recognize that anyone who could pull something of this magnitude off, has skills he will never even imagine gaining. Maybe he'll finally lose the arrogance and gain some healthy fear of Ranger.
Excellent chapter to an outstanding story. This has been one of my all-time favorites and will definitely be read many times. Thanks so much for your hard work in writing it and sharing it with us.
Maggie M.
3/12/2018 c28 First Generation Scot
Been out of the country for a couple of weeks and just catching up. This story continues to amaze me. Can't wait for more. The money changing hands is staggering!
Been out of the country for a couple of weeks and just catching up. This story continues to amaze me. Can't wait for more. The money changing hands is staggering!
3/12/2018 c28 Angela Mueller
Quite a chapter! Here's hoping the rest of the plans work. Who was trying to change passwords, and do you plan military stuff as a sideline?
Looking forward to more, and what about Camilia?
Quite a chapter! Here's hoping the rest of the plans work. Who was trying to change passwords, and do you plan military stuff as a sideline?
Looking forward to more, and what about Camilia?
3/12/2018 c28 Guest
OMG! How very thorough of him. I love it!
OMG! How very thorough of him. I love it!