Just In
for Saving All My Women

3/9/2018 c4 daxandpat
3/9/2018 c3 daxandpat
Hoping Ranger gets everyone out of the line of fire but thinking it isn't going to go as smoothly as he would hope.
3/9/2018 c27 Guest
Wow. Getting Rangerfied would not be pleasant. But it will absolutely send the right kind of message to anyone who thinks they can mess with him or his.
3/9/2018 c27 Angela Mueller
You know what they say about payback & karma, and that's just what he, Sergio, got. The girl going back to her family sounds good, and hope it works out well. How is the money part playing out? And are
the family members behaving?
3/9/2018 c27 25Elenimou
Now we have to hunt up Boris Gonzalez and Santiago Martinez. Assume their demise will be less personal?
Very carthatic for Ranger.
3/9/2018 c27 Guest
You beat me to it this morning.
3/9/2018 c27 baileygirl12
Oh my word! You have one scary mind! Remind me not to ever get on your bad side! LOL!
3/9/2018 c27 20aruvqan
Fitting end to a pedophile bastard.
3/9/2018 c27 Guest
That takes a twisted mind
3/8/2018 c1 daxandpat
Crap, I'm really glad I just started this because if I had to wait to see what happens I'd probably have a brain fart.
3/6/2018 c26 Guest
Wow awesome cant wait for more, and the drones are going to be interesting
3/6/2018 c26 GarbanzoBeans
The pintrest page is great and love the pics you found. I can almost hear all the guys thinking this is going to be fun. Glad Ranger listened to their input on how the hits should go so as to be a safe as possible. Can't wait to blow more Sh*t up!
3/5/2018 c26 shellbell78
Awesome update! One heck of a party! Can’t wait for more!
3/5/2018 c26 Angela Mueller
Wow! The details in your writing are great! This is quite a chapter, loved all the planning, etc. Will be watching for the next chapter.
3/5/2018 c26 25Elenimou
As a fan in military combat stories, this is especially fun. Love the comment about getting everyone in the same time zone! Names are a good match to characters otherwise it would be hard to keep track of Fizz and Grenade
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