Just In
for Saving All My Women

4/20/2018 c36 GarbanzoBeans
Awesome job. Loved this story all the way thru. Sometimesthat was a little tho much detail, like in Hawaii on a few excursions. I am very envious of the talent of the ff writers
4/20/2018 c1 VVine
OMG glad I'm only finding this when already complete :D the 1st chapter is quite the setup for a story...and a cliffhanger! Thank you :)
4/20/2018 c36 Guest
Wow. Thanks
4/18/2018 c35 Guest
I still don't see the update. I really hope I am not missing something. That would be awful.
4/16/2018 c35 Necie77
Sequel. I have absolutely loved this story and would love to get to the happy part.
4/16/2018 c35 baileygirl12
Did chapter 36 not download?
4/16/2018 c35 Guest
It says you updated 3 hours ago, but I do not see a new chapter. Am I missing something?
4/15/2018 c35 deviates322
Great story. Sad to see it coming to an end would love for you to continue with the follow-up
4/15/2018 c35 tanyaleigh
Oh my God this has been wonderful! I can't wait for your next book! I definitely want to hear about the aftermath of the break up and them coming back engaged. The summer will be a time full of changes... I think there will be a lot to tell as far as them getting usted to each other full time with each of them having their own hang ups and expectations. Esp. when you throw the Burg in the mix. The wedding build up, yes. I think the interchange between the families will be the more interesting part of the story during this time. And I wonder if the expectations of work and a baby will play a large role in the story.
So excited I can't wait!
Thanks for writting such an amazing story!
4/15/2018 c35 shellbell78
Awesome update! I think I would like to see a follow up!
4/13/2018 c35 3Vulcan Rider
I love that Carlos is giving the women the money for the pain and suffering "from Sergio" and I wonder how Oshanna is going to act after she receives hers? Since Julio isn't one of the women, he won't be getting it, so who will he be going to for money infusions?

I have loved every chapter of this story. It has been terrifying, suspenseful, and so wonderful with all the love between Carlos and Stephanie, once she finally accepted him as hers and he decided to bring her fully into his life. I'm just dying to find out how things will go when they get back to Trenton. I know that Morelli is going to have a complete fit and try to make things difficult for Stephanie and Carlos, but I guess that will have to come in the sequel. AND YES, BRING ON THE SEQUEL.
Maggie M.
4/13/2018 c35 Ybanormlmom
A wonderful wrap up. Your next story sounds great for a follow up in their lives. Then again, seething new would be wonderful to read. Looking forward to more!
4/13/2018 c35 9the newest daughter
I love this story and need to see what happens next. I don't think I could ever do it but you made the ziplining and jumping out of the plane sound so fun. Grandmas can be so stubborn some times.
4/13/2018 c35 bb2020
Follow up story,please. This is such a good story.
4/13/2018 c35 Guest
Such an awesome story! Thanks for sharing your talent. Please post a follow up story.
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