Just In
for Saving All My Women

4/13/2018 c35 daxandpat
4/13/2018 c35 Angela Mueller
This was a wonderful chapter! Loved it. So much info about everything, and the skydiving was a great touch, and the so was everything else, really.
Please do the follow-up story, I love the way you write! ps, glad Steph wasn't pregnant, at least not yet.
4/13/2018 c35 20aruvqan
Definitely write it, sounds good.

The submarine base in New London CT has all of the roads named after various subs, and each sign has the date the sub was sunk and the number of casualties. The sub fleet sailors tend to be very tradition bound, and superstitious.
4/13/2018 c35 Guest
I think this is complete
4/13/2018 c35 2trhodes9
Nice way to wind up the "vacation". Hopefully the family has learned a lot about Carlos and will trust him more in the future.
4/13/2018 c35 Buddy'sBabe
Loved this chapter. Carlos is such a generous man. YES do a follow up story
4/13/2018 c35 Guest
Of course you should write the follow up. And please write it soon. Like tomorrow.
4/12/2018 c34 Guest
I get to spend most of my work day playing on the internet. I know, I am lucky. And I really feel bad for people who don't have that luxury. But it kind of balances out, because I can't afford internet at home. When I found fanfiction, it opened up a whole new world for me. I love the Stephanie Plum books. I have read the series four times. Yes, all of the books, including the in between the numbers books. But I do not like the lack of BabeHEA in the books. Morelli doesn't love her like Ranger does. Anyway, I have spent a large amount of time reading stories on ff. And this story has me completely captivated. I am going to re-read it today in anticipation of the new chapter tomorrow. I sincerely want to thank you for sharing this with all of us. Keep up the good work.
4/11/2018 c34 9the newest daughter
College funds and retirement funds are good ideas. A yearly family trip is also good. I hope Julie gets to come up to visit more
4/7/2018 c34 shellbell78
Great update! Loved it!
4/7/2018 c34 3Vulcan Rider
Great chapter. I loved the ziplining. It was awesome. I love skydiving and can't wait for Steph to experience it. I also wonder just how much chaos she is going to walk into when they get back to Trenton. She leaves out of Joe's bed, then goes on a trip for her safety and returns engaged to Carlos. Joe is going to have an aneurysm. I wonder how much hell she is going to catch when they get home.

I've loved this story so far, from the first chapter to now, even with the horrible events that started the whole thing. Knowing how upsetting it was for Ranger to have to watch the DVD thinking it was Steph that was being hurt, then finding her on the side of the building was crushing. It has turned into a wonderful, romantic time for them, but I wonder how she will handle everything when they get home.

I loved that Ranger found out about the mid-manager's theft and stripped him of the money. I hope he gets stranded in France and can't get home. He may need to disappear, too. :-)
Maggie M.
4/6/2018 c34 Guest
Loved it
4/6/2018 c34 2trhodes9
Nice day. Got quite a few insights into Carlos' thinking. The family is behaving well. I like that he is getting a chance to really talk to them for a change. It will be good for him to keep the contact going.
4/6/2018 c34 GarbanzoBeans
Nice vacation. Can't wait to see how it all goes when they get back to Trenton.
4/6/2018 c34 Guest
Thank you. I feel better now.
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