Just In
for Saving All My Women

3/30/2018 c33 First Generation Scot
Wow, that was HOT at the end!
3/30/2018 c33 Guest
Oh my gosh. I absolutely love this story.
3/28/2018 c32 Mermaid's Fluke
This was great, I love the atmosphere at the end.
3/27/2018 c32 daxandpat
The volcano info was great, thanks for it. Had a good time with Steph and Ranger. I've been to Hawaii once so could picture a little of it. Think they might just go ahead and get married while there?
3/27/2018 c32 GarbanzoBeans
Good to see they are all relaxing and getting time to enjoy themselves and the time they have left before heading home.
3/27/2018 c32 annalynn88
So glad they got some alone time. Even though it is nice that Stephanie got to know Rangers family.
3/26/2018 c32 baileygirl12
Yet another great chapter! Thanks Sassysaint and Jonelle for doing such a great job for our Ranger babe 21.
3/26/2018 c32 3Vulcan Rider
Ugh, I just want to choke Oshanna. First, she is saying how scary it was being shot at. Then, Ranger tells her that after Lester's heroic feat, getting shot, then locked up, he was giving him the rest of the day off. Then he told them that the threat should be gone, but he'd like them to keep guards when off the ship, at least, just in case. When she asked if that meant they could go without guards, Ranger said SHE could. Then, he asked the rest of the family if anyone else wanted to go without THEIR guards, and NONE wanted to ditch their guards. Even Rachel, who used to detest the protection detail asked if that was wise. Smart woman. So glad it all turned out okay. Julio's been quiet since Ranger was going to ditch him in L.A. to find his way back to NJ alone. No, he wanted to stay with the family, and he's gotten an amazing, free vacation of a lifetime.

It still kills me that Oshanna was posting all their info online, or they could have still been on the private island. Hopefully, at least the rest of the family will appreciate Carlos' generosity and this once in a lifetime chance for the ENTIRE FAMILY and THEIR FAMILIES to see everything they've seen. And I have to add that it's amusing to me that after 2 weeks of Angelia having to actually do the hands-on parenting full time for her kids, maybe she's not thinking about how "perfect" her life and her kids are anymore. Hopefully, it will have grounded her and the rest of the family a little. Oshanna still has a lot of growing up to do. I'm still waiting for Lester to tell her that if she hadn't been whining to them about getting off the ship unprotected with weapons, none of them would have been shot at in the first place. Her posting was integral in leading the killer to them. AND that she's going to find out that she's NOT the sh*t one day, when someone who actually FINISHED their degree becomes her boss and treats her like crap and she can't find another job because she didn't finish college.

I usually get a bit bored by detailed "sight-seeing" but this was fascinating and sounded beautiful. It may be that my niece was born in Hawaii while my brother was serving there in the Marines in 1973. He lived there for several years and got married there. He has some incredible photos, and a motorcycle riding friend of mine served there, too, and flew all around there for years and has an entire website of incredibly beautiful photos. But I never imagined so much about the volcanoes and the history of the craters and formation. It's incredible.

I can't wait for Steph's (and Julie's maybe) skydiving. I wonder how many of the guys are going to be doing the ziplines? I bet the night shift guys are glad to have lighter shifts and maybe get some rest and can enjoy the last few days.

The Zoo was incredible, too. I would love to see something like that. The closest I got was in Thailand and Singapore, when we had the tropical weather with almost daily showers, but the landscape and flowers were beautiful. The downtown parts, like the big cities were crazy polluted and heavy traffic, but I would love to see that type of flora and fauna in someplace like Hawaii, where supposedly they do everything at their own pace normally. :-)

Thanks for another incredible chapter. I'm curious if any of Ranger's family will thank him (aside from his father) for his safety and generosity. He didn't have to go to the expense of making the safe time so enjoyable, with the theme parks, private islands, constant hugely expensive Concorde flights, and tropical paradise. It seems like two weeks that nobody else would normally be able to afford, with new phones that they can keep, and prepaid credit cards, he's been over the top generous to them to make up for disrupting their lives. Anyone could have brought this into their family's lives after doing his job of being a soldier like Ranger, but how many would go to this extreme to make it as safe and pleasurable. The amount he's going to have to pay his men has to be astronomical, not to mention that it is also putting the Rangeman offices short handed. Yeah, I hope they thank him, at the least. Maybe some of them could put Oshanna in her place, too.
Maggie M.
3/26/2018 c32 sbabe
Thank for the great update.
3/26/2018 c32 20aruvqan
I would love to go there, my parents went back in the early 80s and had a blast. Komodo dragon, koi fish by the way.
3/26/2018 c32 Buddy'sBabe
Great chapter. So glad they could finally relax and enjoy Hawai’i
3/26/2018 c32 Angela Mueller
What a wonderful chapter! I could almost see the sights myself reading about it!
3/26/2018 c32 shellbell78
Great update! Definitely makes me want to go to Hawaii!
3/26/2018 c32 Guest
Wonderful details as always
3/26/2018 c32 Guest
I am going to miss the twice weekly postings. I guess I will talk to the nice doctor on Mondays. I love your details. You create such a vivid scene, it feels like I am there with them. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
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