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for Overlord: The Exiled

12/16/2017 c3 3Mad-Dan90
Dude... This was three shades of awesome. I found myself reading it like... three times at 3AM in the morning! That talk your OC had with his NPCs: marvelous. It was appropriately deep. You don't see enough of that in most conventional literature or Japanese LNs nowadays, nevermind fanfiction. It's one of the main reasons why my own series delves in those little things called emotion. ;)

Heh. Anywho, another solid win from where I sit. Now I need to head off to bed before I pass out on my keyboard. Until next time bro'! :D
12/15/2017 c2 4PervySageChuck
Nicely written chapter! I look forward to more of this story and especially the interaction between Draconis and Ainz as potential allies and close friends, although I can see possible problems between the NPCs of the Lair and the Tomb in the future since most of the Lair's NPCs appear to be aligned as "Good" and most of Nazarick's NPCs are definitely aligned as "Evil".

Not to many typos or grammatical errors in your writing, with the most glaring error being your use of the word "threat" when it appeared obvious from the context that you meant to use the word "treat". Sort of opposite meanings or intentions between those two words, my friend. As a former Grammar Nazi and proofreader, it gave me a good chuckle due to the incongruity!
12/15/2017 c2 8UndeadLord22
Going great!

So disappointed I didn't read this sooner!
12/14/2017 c2 3Mad-Dan90

*ahem* Sorry. My enthusiasm got the better of me. :P
Anywho, to elaborate on my girlish reaction there, the setup, backdrop, backstories, and characterizations of the OCs were well-done and thought out, and were executed with an equal measure of quality. Thought I had a few gripes and issues here and there, given the levels of awesome this story showed, they are small and petty, and not really worth expounding on in this review. At least, in my humble opinion. ;)

So after this I am eagerly awaiting for updates and looking forward to seeing how this progresses.

Until next time! :D

P.S. Some of the setups seem a tad familiar. But from where I wonder. ;)
12/14/2017 c2 1prinnington
im guessing this will mostly follow Draconis and his creation
12/14/2017 c2 RyuujiVantek
Woah, im liking this story so far!
Please write more!
12/14/2017 c2 XXX1994
So Draconis is at Draconic Kingdom now ? Quite irony names there :3 And that Blade Barrier skill is quite cool , both offensive and defensive at once :) Anyway let's see what will he do in the next arc (if you still follow closely to LN).
12/13/2017 c1 XXX1994
Nice start and well-written chapter :) Even though Draconis is too calm with the notion of entering a new fantasy world :P Guess his background as a soldier really help him to evaluate his surroundings quickly :) Eagerly waiting for next update now !
12/13/2017 c1 Guest
1st Love this idea keeepp going!
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