Just In
for Enlightment of Fire

8/16/2024 c1 Guardian0205
Please continu this story and Please do so with fullmetal alchemist brotherhood i would like to see how your version of roy mustang reaction to elric brothers. Human transmutation failure
5/27/2023 c19 Guardian0205
Please continu this story
10/14/2020 c19 xoshortnsassy09
I really enjoyed this. I hope to see more. I’m curious about Roy meeting Edward. I genuinely like the way that you keep the story in Roy’s and his fellow soldiers viewpoints. It definitely makes for a good read.
3/13/2020 c19 ej-83
good i wonder if roy got over his ptsd..n control his magical powers..would be amusing to see his animagus form all grown up since he is a pup still when dumbledore transfigured him..
1/10/2020 c19 SavageDonut12
holy shit even tho it was short this was a really good series.
12/17/2019 c19 Random
What happened to Lily?
11/17/2019 c19 Harry P fan 4ever
Are you going to sequel?
4/28/2019 c18 KAGESONGOALS
I can't see chapter 19.
4/26/2019 c19 7rmiser1994
Fantastic Story! .
4/23/2019 c19 32EroSlackerMicha
well it is over. still processing. its been an adventure to be sure. sad that there won't be another. one of those in my therapy group said you can't stop here (meh) he's old and argumentative.
I use several fics during speech therapy and since the same group are in the room working on physical they listen in while I read. some of them are hooked :D

well thank you for sharing this and keep up the good work on whatever you do next
4/22/2019 c19 3WhiteElfElder
Short conclusion, though having Albus left alive is not a guarantee he will not find a way out.
4/22/2019 c19 mizzrazz72
Roy and Alex have come a long way. Their enemies are gone and they have peace.
4/9/2019 c18 32EroSlackerMicha
keep up the good work.

Albus throwing AK's around in front of Aurors. so much for his Light image
4/8/2019 c18 9Princess101855
Will you also be going through the FMA series with the Elrics?
4/8/2019 c18 APridefulSin
mwahahaha! they got what was needed.

please tell me this isn't the end yet?
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