Just In
for Santa's Claw

11/26/2022 c16 nothing much
I absolutely love the ending here. It's an impressive feat of imagination to tie together the classic myths and the factual apocalypse. I really wish there was more of that on this site. Kudos!
12/19/2018 c16 8SafyreSky
That epilogue was a wild ride.

Nice to see this come to such an interesting end! I really enjoyed Krampus just kind of taking over, as have no other way to phrase it. I got to the end and read "I am Krampus" and couldn't say anything but "woah". I really did like the way you ended it, with Krampus taking over!

Overall this entire fic was really a good read, and very original and a nice change of pace from the usual in the category. I'm glad I got to read it through to the end!

10/22/2018 c15 reika88
1. Why the name Mary Lou?
2. Not the best or the worst that I've read
3. No offense but the freak over her face changing is "Typical blonde" behavior...
7/24/2018 c15 SafyreSky
This was quite the chapter, with plenty of material and a lot of tying up loose ends! We got Krampus backstory! That was really cool to read, and it was really cool to see Ernst step up to give Mary Lou that tidbit and help influence the regulation of the Krampus' role! She won't be stuck like that for as long as she thought! And now, future Krampus' won't be either! The whole trial was quite well done, I think. It was interesting to read, and I find it funny how the one with the GRAVER danger was less of an issue for the council.

This entire fic of yours was a breath of fresh air! Seeing someone look at Krampus, and the way you fit Krampus into the world of the movies was stellar! It's so nice to see something that's not a rehash of the movies pop up and I'm so glad this popped up and I'm SOO glad you finished it! I'm excited for the epilogue! I can't wait to see what you do with it!

Thanks for the gr8 read pal,
5/19/2018 c14 SafyreSky
I love the contrast between Mary Lou eating the deer meat and then washing it down with a cup of cocoa. That made me giggle, and also made me think of how wild her situation is? She's this giant monster but she's still drinking cocoa in a tidy way!

Anyway, I had to start by saying that before properly reviewing because it was a small detail but I really liked it! Seeing that you had updated made me YELL! I was so excited to see this story at the top again and the email in my inbox saying you had updated! The way you wrote that chapter is very interesting-the time skips, specifically. I was thrown off at first but it worked well, because there's a LOT of naughty kids to go through and I think you did a very nice job summarizing their time and their punishments.

The part where she tries to return herself to her original form is absolutely heartbreaking, poor Mary Lou! I'm glad you're not making it that easy for her to look not like a giant Christmas monster again, but like DANG it's so sad (great job with it!)

The punishment for murder boy was INTENSE. I did not see it coming, to be honest, but like. Mary Lou is right. "You got the looks in the family" made me laugh SO FREAKING HARD! But yeah that was a good scene and the way you went through with that particular interview and the levels of justice applied before the punishment was really good!

and WOW, THAT ENDING! That was so bittersweet, oh man. Poor! Mary! Lou! But going back to see herself made me do the sad smile, a very good ending-and then that NOTE. I for one, vote for the last chapter and epilogue to be separate, because then I get to look forward to you updating two more times! And also, with that ending, it may be better to separate the two so you don't have a bunch of action in one chapter, and then a resolution right after. Give us some breathing space! ;)

Lovely work as per the norm! I look forward to the next chapter(s)!

PS-Sorry if this review is a little choppy! I reviewed as I read this time around :p
3/24/2018 c13 39PhoenixFirre
Awesome awesome job
3/24/2018 c13 8SafyreSky
I was editing the next chapter of Frostmas to post today when I saw you had updated and I was very, very excited! A busy two months indeed, I feel you there-I have no idea where January and February went but man, they went.

What a great chapter! Mary Lou's first night out on the job! I liked that you opened it with a letter from home. Her family is soo! Supportive! I laughed when Mary Lou was like "Can't see them now, I'd squeal and the kids wouldn't be as terrified as they should be." The picture of Krampus squealing was just such a funny mental image!

I'm gonna try to go in order here because this chapter had a LOT of substance and I loved all of it so let's start from the top! The Council meeting was my favourite part. I really enjoyed Mary Lou being bitter about her position, and not hiding it with Mother Nature and co. Also the crazy amount of Lore you dropped? SOo good! Lore is my one true weakness, and I love that EB also has a contract in the way Krampus/Mary Lou does! It seems like they've all got a sort of contract similar to that and I find that take super interesting! Father Time's description of the end times was a very fascinating tidbit too. I like how Mother Nature called out Jack and Santa was just like Hey! He's trying his best here! I really like thawed Jack and Santa friendship so seeing Santa come to his defence made me a happy camper!

The night itself was written very well! Some of the crimes these kids have committed made me go "oh SNAP" while reading it which was a good thing, I think. I like the surprise it throws at you-like the one who killed someone? I was like SHITE! I hope her gets a real good punishment, bc he was throwing rocks at cats and I love cats. Also, the murder too! poor kid just wanted to save the cats and now she's dead like, MAN I hope he gets it GOOD

I like how she had to go get Matt's brother! That was a fun thing to throw in there too! I hope she doesn't let personal feelings get in the way of that one. The ending made me laugh: well that's 1 Krampus day down, only 499 more to go! At least she's looking at it positively? Sorta? I hope she gets a good night's rest because dang! Sounds like a rough night.

It'll be interesting to see her take care of these kids in the next one or two chapters. I'm gonna miss reading about her Krampus-ing! I love this fic a lot, it's so original!

Anywho, all the best! I'll eagerly await the next one!
1/25/2018 c12 SafyreSky
Awwh, Abby and Kevin were so sweet with Mary Lou! Poor thing! I liked this chapter a lot-I can see how it was an enjoyable one to write, as it was quite enjoyable to read! She has such a good support system!

I really liked how she adjusted (sorta) to the full change. I'm sure she hasn't fully adjusted yet but ah, she's taking it fairly well-especially after reading her letter to her family, that was a lovely way to end the chapter!

She's got a LOT of work ahead of her, oh my! I'm looking forward to reading to Boxing Day!

1/14/2018 c11 SafyreSky
This last part of her transformation was brilliantly horrifying, holy crap, nice job portraying it all! I don't have too much to say because the whole things was phenomenal-the transformation bits (which I've already mentioned are fab), the family coming to see her, how friendly everyone is so far, Dr Hismus making sure Mary Lou is healthy despite, y'know, being a giant beast-it was all very well done. The "There's no Mr. Krampus clause" line gave me a good giggle, haha.

But yeah! Wow! Now we really get to see how she takes the change since it's been more or less completed! I'm very excited for these next few chapters!

1/8/2018 c10 8shittyelfwriter
So I’ve been following this pretty much since you started I believe (apologies for being a silent reader thus far) and I have to say, I love what you’re doing here. The thought and lore you’re incorporating into this story is incredible, what a treat to read such an original idea! I was a bit concerned that you might take the easy road with Mary Lou and cutesy or even romanticize her transformation somehow, but I love the way you’ve really allowed it to be as gruesome as it should be, considering she’s becoming Krampus and all. Bold choice choosing a girl for the position by the way, I really love it. The way she’s taking the situation in stride but also having to face the harsh reality of what she’s agreed to is a hard line to walk and you’ve really done so beautifully. Everyone seems to be approaching the situation with a level of gravity, caution yet still respect, and it’s nice to see that you’re really taking the concept seriously and putting consideration and detail into what being Krampus really means—and then conveying that to us as the readers!

I’m absolutely riveted by this story and can’t wait to see where you take it next. (And poor Matt, by the way! That had potential and it was sad to see it fall away so quickly.) I’ll definitely be eagerly awaiting your next update!

Best wishes,
1/8/2018 c10 8SafyreSky
I wish it didn't take me as long as ti did to realize that the hooves were coming in but ah, it actually didn't click until I read Mary Lou literally noting that her hoof was coming in and then I thought "well that was a brilliant next step to take in this transformation sequence".

But, yeah. Brilliant work so far! I really like how you've gone about the transformation! The hair and height fast becoming a pelt, then the hooves, and then the horns being last? I think it is a perfectly logical order and definitely goes from small to large if that makes sense. Reading each bit of the transformation made it very visible in the mind's eye, kudos for that!

And now she's headed back to the North Pole, after a teary goodbye letter to her family. Poor thing, I really feel for her-I'm excited to see what happens next now that she's back up North!

Until next time!

PS-They are heat sprites, and I'm pretty sure Heat Miser would be a sprite as well, so it makes sense, hehe :P
1/4/2018 c9 Ella
Oh my goodness look at how this transformation is going! Wow! I'm really enjoying the way you're going through this transformation, especially because it's very familiar to Scott's in the first movie. Hair and height...I wonder what will come next? Poor Mary Lou, I am concerned for her! This is going to be a WILD ride!

1/1/2018 c9 SafyreSky
"The March to June" is such a clever chapter title, nice one there pal!

Yeah, it was totally a justified reason for them to be snappish with Judy, I getchya! Anywho, wow! Good start to this wild ride Mary Lou is in for. Really great how you've started with something this simple-the height and hair growth. I agree, it does seem like the most reasonable start and quite frankly, I like the parralel it has to Scott's own transformation the hair for both of them and the height for Mary, weight for Scott! The more I read the more it fits in to this universe and I'm digging it.

I'm excited for these next few chapters!
12/30/2017 c8 SafyreSky
What an interesting start to Mary Lou's transformation! Darkening roots, it's so small considering what's to come. She handled the news fairly well; her family did as well, though I got a lil upsetti that they were so angry with Judy-though granted, they have a very good reason for doing so!

I'm excited for these next few chapters to come, presumably focusing on her transformation! Can't wait!

12/28/2017 c7 Ella
I don't remember recommending you watch Frozen at all but heck if I don't love the movie and am glad you watched it! I love the songs and the ice animation? Oh man, nICE (hehe)

Lovely chapter! I can't believe they're keeping the transformation from Mary Lou! I'm glad her family at least looked it up. They're so supportive! I love me supportive family trope! It'll be interesting to see her deal with the transformation! I'm very surprised they're not being upfront with the transformation but hey, it makes for great emotions plot later!

Thanks for the thanks, you! I'm excited for the next chapter!

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