Just In
for A Life Worth Living

1/7 c16 skyeza
Hi, I have enjoyed this story, I believe it's my second or third time ready it. I'm trying to find Predators of the moon but can't seem to find it. Is it still available or under a different name?
12/15/2024 c62 animeromance1972
So is the story complete or will there still be more updates? I really loved this story.
11/27/2024 c23 23thranduil grl84
10/15/2024 c62 2AofProcrastinationville
Wait a minute... if the epilogue is only set 15 later and Aaron was 6m old in the last chapter? Why does he hav a 3y old son? Other than that oddity, I haveloved thisstory fromstartto finish and will probably reread it many more times!
8/20/2024 c62 Guest
good story, why is it not marked as completed?
8/20/2024 c60 Guest
I am sorry for your loss.
3/9/2024 c5 6rose.chan27
In response to your end note, yeah... Kate and Gerard overstayed their welcome in the show. Wish I hadn't had to see them more than one season honestly. I also feel like they didn't flesh out or add enough to the show to explain some things. Like Parrish. He was a fairly big part, but they didn't go into anything for him really. He could have been brought into it so much more. His relationship with Lydia, or lack thereof, is another thing they never really went into.
Then it just kind of jumps into the stiles/Lydia at the very end without any real show of how it got there. Or maybe it's just me.
The movie also makes things into a mess since last we knew, Scott was still with Kira? So... yeah...
On top of that, I was so sad that Deucalion was brought back for only a few episodes before he was killed. I am hoping you don't make Deucalion into a truly bad character. He and Peter are my absolute favorite characters from the show. I know you have a lot written already, so I'm just throwing my hopes out there from chapter five here, but... Meh.
So far so good though!
12/30/2023 c62 Scarlet Nerd
Absolutely fantastic work!
12/19/2023 c2 LunaLuna99999
No, i love Teddy. Not enough stories post hogwarts have him
10/29/2023 c62 IURIS98
Me encantó ️
9/5/2023 c32 thatophatlane1
Can he not be fooled please
9/5/2023 c16 31SapphireKageKyuura
It's because Laura was an incompetent Alpha. She sucked at it so badly, that she already put shame to her mother by running away with Derek after the fire. Talia would disappointed in her daughter. In fact she would likely regret ever training Laura to become the next Alpha. No Alpha ever runs away - and they never leave their pack, that includes Peter who was in the hospital with severe burns. She is the main reason why Peter literally went insane because she had severed the pack bonds with Peter and that also included Cora who had already gotten away. And Talia really shouldn't have chosen Deaton to be her emissary. I feel like he betrayed the trust Talia had in him, by not helping what remained of the Hale pack, by hiding away and protecting himself with mountain ash. Because what he had done would surely make Talia want to kill him herself if she was still alive.
8/26/2023 c16 Maverick123214685
harry as an animagus wouldn't have to copy teddy and strip of before transforming
8/22/2023 c62 Ella1910
This is a great story, I really enjoyed it.
Nawww that was a cute ending
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