Just In
for Akame Ga Charge

10/2/2023 c1 Captain Imaginat
ClockWriter is Sledge and his Bounty Hunter Crew going to appear and become major antagonists of Akame Ga Charge alongside The Empire?
3/6/2018 c5 14J the Rider
Wow, this reminded me why Najenda is such a bitch.
1/4/2018 c4 J the Rider
No character deaths please. I do not want character deaths in my Power Rangers fanfic. I refuse to read that shit.
12/26/2017 c2 DB-19
Luckily is not a really a team up with the Dino Charge Rangers and Night Raid because otherwise the Rangers will have to kill or have Night Raid
12/25/2017 c2 magna ryunoid
short chapters but an interesting idea that you propose, is the first time I see a power ranger crossover with akame ga kill ... I'm curious what will happen next, just a tip ... if possible you can lengthen the chapters has a lot potential but how to say it shortens it, but if that's your style I will not complain, it has a future only pay attention to what you write and everything will go well

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