Just In
for Unexpected

1/30/2018 c1 5Gillanna
So cute!
1/24/2018 c1 9Erma W
How sweet and fun! Love the situation, and am thoroughly tickled at Han being scared of a "little" bird. And now their pet. So adorable!
1/10/2018 c1 Lils
This is great! Lovely story!
12/31/2017 c1 4luv15
Fraidy cat Han! Cute!
12/30/2017 c1 8Cicatrick
Haha, this is so charming, funny and adorable. Leia *would* know that Corellian nobles kept banshee birds as pets!
12/29/2017 c1 17Ravens23Princess
LOL! Loved this, super cute and the image of Han hiding from the bird behind tiny Leia made me laugh! Great job!
12/29/2017 c1 45erindarroch
The image of Han Solo being a big fraidy-cat and hiding under a bed while Leia dealt with the "threat" made me laugh. Very cute story!

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