1/24/2018 c1 9Erma W
How sweet and fun! Love the situation, and am thoroughly tickled at Han being scared of a "little" bird. And now their pet. So adorable!
How sweet and fun! Love the situation, and am thoroughly tickled at Han being scared of a "little" bird. And now their pet. So adorable!
1/10/2018 c1 Lils
This is great! Lovely story!
This is great! Lovely story!
12/30/2017 c1 8Cicatrick
Haha, this is so charming, funny and adorable. Leia *would* know that Corellian nobles kept banshee birds as pets!
Haha, this is so charming, funny and adorable. Leia *would* know that Corellian nobles kept banshee birds as pets!
12/29/2017 c1 17Ravens23Princess
LOL! Loved this, super cute and the image of Han hiding from the bird behind tiny Leia made me laugh! Great job!
LOL! Loved this, super cute and the image of Han hiding from the bird behind tiny Leia made me laugh! Great job!
12/29/2017 c1 45erindarroch
The image of Han Solo being a big fraidy-cat and hiding under a bed while Leia dealt with the "threat" made me laugh. Very cute story!
The image of Han Solo being a big fraidy-cat and hiding under a bed while Leia dealt with the "threat" made me laugh. Very cute story!