Just In
for Greg Veder vs The World

11/22 c142 1Blckwlf4
Does…Does Greg not actually not know what Emma did to Taylor? Or is this more like a teenager dates a bad person because they’re hot for them, and ignores their flaws. Like a cheerleader dating the school bully.
11/14 c26 Azerick777
nice limitless reference
11/14 c80 AkashaPsihi
Author, for that cliffhanger, you can suck milimeter by milimiter the entire 20cm lenght of my dik
10/17 c1 Sonic X
Is this fic still going on?

Well, can anyone give me a summary of what happened after Emma was injured?
10/11 c141 cameron1812
Poor Greg. His timing...
10/8 c140 Hayden Elrics
oh snap! dont tell me he's gonna empower them!
10/7 c140 A Nameless Ghost
ABOUT TIME! Seo, let us see newest executive of the ronin!
10/6 c132 Ebrahim051
what the fuck just happened?
9/21 c139 cameron1812
9/18 c138 cameron1812
love it,!
9/18 c138 marcmanalili132
yeah, dropping this fic. the story is getting jumbled up as it goes on.
9/10 c137 Tossakan
Grease is pretty OP yo
9/8 c1 Ddraigspiderarc609
It feels like the story is getting away from you. Too many plot threads have been introduced so far while so many haven’t been fully tied up. The story seems like its meandering and losing focus.
9/6 c136 1chronodaimon
This has been a great read! hope to see more soon!
9/5 c136 Hayden Elrics
I'm all caught up now!
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