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for Greg Veder vs The World

8/25/2024 c83 Akashi1412
Zero One in 2011, what a wacky timeline then again probably come from Aleph
8/25/2024 c78 Akashi1412
Boy really reference Domon while fighting Lung so respect
8/17/2024 c7 Hayden Elrics
I'll hi-5 you bro! xD
8/17/2024 c135 Gellius G Gloop
How many more 'cutscene chapters' are there gonna be in a row? What is Greg doing offscreen?
8/14/2024 c135 Onion-00
its hard to keep interest in the story if every chapter you post is a cutscene.
8/14/2024 c135 LordZayphar
Magneto? Ferrous telekenisis? That is very similar to Kaiser's power except he cannot spontaneously create metal out of nothing.
8/14/2024 c12 3SasquatchY
The idea that you can resist the "distracted by sexy" debuff by having high charisma just... it is awesome.

"I am too... well versed in the art of being hot."
8/6/2024 c134 harveytheresa88
glad your back one the eat fanfics ever
8/6/2024 c134 Ren Shiroi
So glad this story is back. Has to be one of my favorite Worm fics.
8/5/2024 c134 shimodadaisuke
Did you forget to update a chapter? I vaguely recall remembering a Theo pov chapter post powers in space battles?

Looking forward to more.
8/5/2024 c134 1Pheonixking21
Im glad youre writing this again. Thank You
8/5/2024 c134 LeoniLiponscovi2
Awesome fic!
7/29/2024 c131 Guest
In chapter 84 you said that you will get a resolution to Emma in the next few chapters... 50 cahpters later still nothing...
7/29/2024 c87 Guest
7/16/2024 c1 ironhair
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