Just In
for The General and Her Slave

7/5/2023 c1 Onxio
This review is for people who don't read the authors Avatar story I believe they said in one of the many AN this story I'd pretty much dead. And I doubt it'd get a rewrite considering their main story is apparently gonna continue for more than a year if they get past their current health issues.
2/22/2023 c15 Guest
Not trying to to rush you to return to this, but just a suggestion, there should be more boot worship for Esdeath.
9/5/2021 c1 reggielacey2
found another great story to follow and Favorite
7/21/2021 c16 Stg. Oddball
would love to see this continue
4/13/2021 c12 1Ruzasa
Welp... I hope this comesback tbh this is one of my favorite fanfics I've read so far.
5/3/2020 c16 Blank098
Plss update even if just 1 chapter in two months
8/25/2019 c1 Nimmy Ju
I love all your stories please continue updating
11/10/2018 c15 NightZena
Please update i really want a chapter 16!
6/4/2018 c5 Insert first
Deathslayer1996 quit being a pervert you naughty thing.

I'm digging this story even if the writing is a little sloppy. Nice job!
3/28/2018 c15 Mic2411
I need more of this story so badly that I'll die without more of it.
3/23/2018 c1 2LNS
do you know when the next chapter will come out?
2/10/2018 c15 Deathslayer1996
When will there be lemons between Esdeath and Saiko?
2/11/2018 c15 Ghul
That was really good and funny how she keeps missing that straight up made me think of the major from helsing
2/11/2018 c14 Ghul
So far so good . Just to let you know there is a sentence that is broken or just confusing like words are missing its the part were esdeath said if the was not real she wont be mad but she will destroy her ?
2/8/2018 c1 Guest
Holy shit this is great. Please continue.
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