Just In
for Among the Roots

8/22/2023 c19 gigi
hello, i know you haven’t updated this fic in a year or two, but hopefully you read this, because i just wanted to let you know how much i love this fic! i’ve been reading since you published over on ao3, and when i was just browsing here i saw it, and just had to let you know that this is one of my favourite odesta/thg fics. i love this au very much, and hope that one day you continue this fic! i want to see what happens with finnick and annie and their story here! but even if you don’t,
i love this fic and this world!
1/15/2020 c16 doraviolet1
again thanks for this great new chapter! I can't tell how much I feel excited when I received the notification that this story has been updated! I'm so happy that Finnick and Annie finally share their first kiss oh and they finally escape out ! looking forward for the next chapter ️
11/26/2019 c14 doraviolet1
it's been a while that I reread this story. today is the third time that I reread this story. sorry for not leaving reviews after so many chapters. this story is by far the best AU story that I ever read. Hopefully one day you will keep update this story and give us the ending. cuz I really love this story and I hope I can read more. please update soon. Thank you.
11/26/2019 c15 doraviolet1
it's been a while since I reread this story. today I'm gonna reread for the third time. this AU story is still the best one that I ever read. Hopefully one day you will keep up posted a new chapter and finish this story. looking forward for next chapter
7/8/2019 c15 doraviolet1
what?! it's been a year and now you come back! Thanks for coming back! I've been checking this story for a few times and tonight you just made my day! Really happy to see you determine finish this story, cuz your story plot is really fascinating and definitely one of my favorite story. Thanks for not giving up on this good story.
8/26/2018 c14 doraviolet1
thank you for this good chapter. glad to see finally Finnick got someone trustable like Annie that can tell her all about his story. must be so painful when he had to bear the scar alone. looking forward for next chapter to see how their relationship step .
7/16/2018 c12 doraviolet1
Thanks for this chapter. love to see this little background story of Finnick in District 4 and the relationship of him and Mags. Mags is absolutely so motherly loving to Finnick, help him find another reason to keep him fight on. love your work. now more eager to read next chapter, please update .
7/16/2018 c11 doraviolet1
Thank you Thank you Thank you! you made my day! so happy to see that you update this story and two new chapters is absolutely amazing. glad to see the relationship between Finnick and Annie getting more close, wish Annie can meet up with Mags soon.
3/23/2018 c10 doraviolet1
Looking forwardfor the next chapter, wonder what will happen next on their adventure journey, waiting for some fluffy .
3/12/2018 c9 doraviolet1
wonder what will happen when they meet up with Isabella! thanks for this chapter.
2/21/2018 c8 doraviolet1
please update soonI aldy waited for two weeks and I try not to rush for it, but deep in my heart I really want to know will they will success escape out and what happened next and who is the Isabella?
1/31/2018 c7 doraviolet1
Thank you for this new chapter! It's getting more intense now! hoping they both can finallly escape out without being caught up, and I hope Johanna will remain unharmed. the only question in my mind now did they two still naked during the runaway? hahaha. just curious. Looking forward for the next chapter!
1/23/2018 c5 doraviolet1
Anneyce feeling for Finnick had grow up and it's nice to see her treat Finnick tenderly. Poor Finnick. glad to see that Johanna on their side too. looking forward for new chapter~
1/12/2018 c4 doraviolet1
thanks for this chapter! I dislike the QUEEN! just like Finnick thought: once a snake,always a snake. Anneyce just too innocent to see through it. glad that have some interaction moments between this pair, just too quick and poor Finnick had to go back to his old games. He become so numb for that lewd act, poor Finnick! now i can't wait for next chapter, and hope times can pass soon and move on to Wednesday,haha.
1/8/2018 c3 doraviolet1
didn't quite understand why each time I leave comments there will be some words . I mean I hate that aspect that Finnick need to used his body again to get home, because I think he will started to feel numb and can't feel the difference between fuck sex and make love. just wish that he can get to taste the true love. anyway, I will keep look out for your updates, thank you for this story.
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