Just In
for The Kidnap of Hermione Granger

5/25/2020 c1 Jk
I like it, thanks for giving me something to read when bored. Keep writing!
8/4/2010 c4 ShelbzieSue
please update soon
4/1/2005 c4 12Thunder's Shadow
:chuckles: Wonderfully funny! Loved the humorous thinking, especially Ron's.

:adds to C2:


1/21/2005 c4 LaFilleduNeige
I love it! Very clever idea! and really well written as well! please update soon
5/1/2004 c1 superstarlet
wow its great make up one about me where i get kidnapped! i luv it its funny.
7/10/2003 c4 16Facade1
I love where this is going. Hopefully the next chapter will be out soon?
6/14/2003 c4 me
It's a very good story, and you're a very good creative writer. I can't wait for the next chap.! ;D
3/29/2003 c3 white dove

o well, i give up


i would like to be your beta!

then i get to read the chapters ahead of time!

anyways, my email is

email me!

white dove
3/26/2003 c2 2WiTcHgIrL1
when i asked you to read my fic, i meant the one called, if life gives you lemons, make lemonade. that one is harry potter.
3/26/2003 c1 WiTcHgIrL1
hey! this is very good. if you're ok with r stuff, would you mind reading mine?
3/26/2003 c2 6Apolla2
I loved it! Ron is such a fun cannon to work with. I hope to read more of it soon! put yu on my favorite stoies list because it is wonderful.

He he he, I finally know the wonders of a review in your in-box. Tis a wonderful feeling! I fully believe in encouraging those who deserve it, like you!

3/26/2003 c2 Lady Prongs
Very interesting. How exactly is Ron going to pull it off? Hermione is not likely to go anywhere without at least one book in hand. I like the picnic idea, but how to get her out there is a good question. I can't wait for more!

Lady Prongs
3/26/2003 c2 Jade
Love this... very interesting take (no pun intended) LOL
3/26/2003 c2 Jaxi
good story keep going cant wait to see how it ends
3/26/2003 c2 Shadow Pals
This is a good story, but that doesn't change the fact that you're insane.
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