Just In
for The Kidnap of Hermione Granger

3/26/2003 c1 Shadow Pals
You're insane.
3/26/2003 c2 Dragongirl
I love it and I don't usually love things I say write on oh and one more thing your story is in my favorites
3/26/2003 c2 white dove
hey, it's me again!

::mutters:: damn concience, anyways

great job!

please continue soon!

i like ron being like the main focus!

it's cool!

H/Hr Forever!

white dove
3/26/2003 c2 fopalup
O...K...! This is going to be a strange one. I can completely say that I am not bored. This will be amusing. Gonna be funny to find out what the ransom is gonna be.
3/26/2003 c2 18E. C. R. Potter
Mwahahahahahahahaha! That was just great. Poor Ron, getting all his idioms all mixed up. And why do I have this crazy feeling that when he tries to gfo about his plan, it's going to backfire big time but when Harry steps in, Hermione would more than willing to be 'kidnapped' by him. ;) Personally, I would love to see Harry carting Hermione off caveman style and Hermione enjoying. Doesn't have to be caveman style, could be honeymoon style. :D
3/24/2003 c1 4Angl
OMG! Good! please update.
3/24/2003 c1 bubbles-123

i think your story is really good so far. Please hurry up and write the next chapter
3/24/2003 c1 119Classic Cowboy
oh dear, the boys are playing with fire, and I do see dangerous waters ahead
3/24/2003 c1 andrea
great story! please update soon,

your doing a great job!
3/23/2003 c1 6Apolla2
I loved it! I always like ones with Ron as the matchmaker of sorts. He really isn't in this, so far, but Ron is just so fun as a main charcter! Very cute!

3/23/2003 c1 Jade
LOL and smiling evilly. THis is good.
3/23/2003 c1 poo
ur story is very very good and very funny
3/23/2003 c1 white dove
stupid concience, now i have to review!

this is a good story, please continue soon!

i really like it so far, very creative!

H/HR forever!

white dove
3/23/2003 c1 4Aduial Evenstar
Cute story! God, I haven't read a H/Hr in forever! Good job on the beginning! (Oh, and yes, I do read the author's notes! Unless they're like three pages long. Then I don't!)
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