Just In
for The Last King

9/8 c19 1MayaviPanchi
There's a slight mistake. Tytan has already met and talked to Margaery in chapter 17.
Now again in chapter 19 you are introducing them both to each other and saying they are meeting after a year?
9/8 c3 MayaviPanchi
Wintertown is not the largest city in the north. Infact it is not a proper city at all.
the biggest city in north is White Harbour.
8/27 c34 jus drein jus doun
rly hope you continue this. love it
8/15 c31 Eaken
haha the small council part was hilarious
8/7 c1 18zenomew
I honestly feel that you should just write an Self Insert instead of ruining both works you dickheaded idiot do you even remotely know what kind of person Percy Jackson is? Or have even read a single book in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series? because this fanfic actually makes even the Lightning thief movie look decent seven hells I am going to make my own fanfic just to show you how bad your trash is
7/12 c13 i.amdizzy2
Im ready for the chaos.
7/5 c1 Guest
Let me start by saying that I haven't read all of the PJ books and I'm yet to read this fic

But Percy has a near 100% chance of dying in the GOT universe if he's in the main story

He will win 100% of all physical conflicts but he's not only dense he's also dumb when it's comes to everything excluding Fighting and maybe sea navigation

Just my opinion
6/18 c34 Guest
Is over then ?
6/7 c2 WN-Bruh
idk why but i lost all interest the moment i read Percy revealed his powers. what a r3tard
5/4 c14 Guest
Hurray Littlefinger is dead. Plus Pycelle was only loyal to Tywin not the whole lannisters.
5/4 c7 Guest
Interesting Ramsley Snow is dead now
4/9 c14 8Touhara Naoya
I may not like how limited you're making Percy at times, but Littlefinger and Pycelle's deaths are perfect.
3/23 c34 qwertyuiop123214685
Please update soon. I think Tytan needs to wrangle the smal, council. Have leaf be his representative in the north, while he defeats the ironborn. I think here Poseidon is more the storm god than the drowned one. Drowned god seems similar to white walker god. Dragon glass beets undead
3/20 c1 Guest
Not bad story
3/22 c34 Talentedtal4200
Pleasseeeee updateeeee lol not rushing i get it takes time just craving the story is all its very good
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