Just In
for Ocean Nora

12/17/2024 c45 KingsRansome
o more?
10/6/2024 c45 Ptlore
I love this story so much. I hope you are well, please update
9/22/2024 c1 strippedtissuebox
love love love this.. clearly been a while since youve ipdated this- hope you are well and you decide to pick it back up and grace us with more awkward jane and momma bear maura. <3
9/14/2024 c16 Guest
OMG, are you a good writer!
6/24/2024 c45 Guest
How is this your only Rizzoli & Isles story? You are an amazing writer. I love this story. Looks like it's been awhile since you updated. Hope things are well?
4/16/2024 c28 Guest
Still enjoying! Very much
4/16/2024 c4 Guest
Thank you so much. Your Maura and Jane are perfect!
3/31/2024 c45 Bee
I reread this story whenever I’m having a hard time in life. It brings me so much joy, and it’s the best R&I fanfic by miles - and trust me, I’ve read them all. Hope you are doing well and will consider eventually coming back to it.
3/11/2024 c32 Justagirlfangirling
This is easily the best fanfic i’ve read since i started reading fanfics back on 2016.
The way you write them and built their storyline is just beautiful.
I’ve been reading this again (because i can’t help it) in hopes that by the time i finish it there will be another chapter up!
I’m really hoping that you’re okay :)
sending love xx
2/24/2024 c45 AnSaMo
Great story, I wish you continue it! I want know about them.
2/19/2024 c45 Guest
I had some time off from work and so I re-read some of my favorite R&I fanfics. I realized that some of the first ones I read years ago aren't top of the list anymore because I read this fic and others like it were the character development is so true to how I picture them and the sexiness is more sweet and subtle happening over time. I love your story, and even though I wish there was a new chapter all the time, I would rather get new chapters because you have something to write that furthers their relationship. So patiently I wait (mostly I wait patiently).
2/17/2024 c45 Guest
Please it’s been too long to get our hopes up that you will finish this. Please give us a heads up if you will not. Hope you are well
1/26/2024 c45 Lelounette
Wow ! Amazing story ! More of it please ! :D
1/8/2024 c45 ppirate
I adore this story, i usually filter FF by complete only so i almost missed out on this baby but damn i’m glad i came across it recommended on Tumblr. Amazing story, amazing chemistry, amazing dialog. Just amazing. I do hope this gets finished one day purely so i have more to read. But, if not, thank you for writing what you have and sharing it with us. I’ll come back to this time and time again. I hope you are well!
1/8/2024 c1 Guest
Hey! Happy 2024! I hope you’re ok.
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