11/28/2023 c23 Guest
has stopped working due to death from laughter.
has stopped working due to death from laughter.
5/9/2023 c32 1Dracko1243
Team WTCHR is just so much of what I didn’t know I needed. So weirdly wholesome for their group, absolutely can’t wait for the next chapter, I understand the big break and blocks, relatable even, but I damn sure hope you carry on.
Team WTCHR is just so much of what I didn’t know I needed. So weirdly wholesome for their group, absolutely can’t wait for the next chapter, I understand the big break and blocks, relatable even, but I damn sure hope you carry on.
5/9/2023 c30 Dracko1243
I was far too happy at guessing purple after she said black was “too edgywhatever that means, hah!) and momma Salem and (what was it) Big Sis Cin(?) with Ruby are too adorable. Also Ruby in team WTCH would make it WTCHR right? (That question at the end is very random, but hey, it crossed my mind)
I was far too happy at guessing purple after she said black was “too edgywhatever that means, hah!) and momma Salem and (what was it) Big Sis Cin(?) with Ruby are too adorable. Also Ruby in team WTCH would make it WTCHR right? (That question at the end is very random, but hey, it crossed my mind)
5/9/2023 c27 Dracko1243
Damn, that fight scene was so good, that stand off and dialogue at the start too. So damn good, I thought for sure he was dead…
Damn, that fight scene was so good, that stand off and dialogue at the start too. So damn good, I thought for sure he was dead…
5/9/2023 c26 Dracko1243
Reading this chapter was just a progression of “This is frickin amazing it can’t get much better can it?” Then proceeds to read just one more paragraphincoherent nerd squeal) YES!” This is such an awesome plot line.
Reading this chapter was just a progression of “This is frickin amazing it can’t get much better can it?” Then proceeds to read just one more paragraphincoherent nerd squeal) YES!” This is such an awesome plot line.
12/7/2022 c32 26Nefarious Doctor
I like the chapter but I’m curious if Ruby needs to feel negativity in order to make more Grimm and have better control over them since Grimm are fueled by negative emotions while the Silver Eye she has is fueled by positive emotions like joy and love.
I can’t wait for the next update.
I like the chapter but I’m curious if Ruby needs to feel negativity in order to make more Grimm and have better control over them since Grimm are fueled by negative emotions while the Silver Eye she has is fueled by positive emotions like joy and love.
I can’t wait for the next update.
10/25/2022 c32 macklivesay
So I’m commenting because there are only 32 chapters readable but there was an update for chapter 33 a few months ago and I’m very confused what’s going on and if anyone can tell me where to find said chapter.
So I’m commenting because there are only 32 chapters readable but there was an update for chapter 33 a few months ago and I’m very confused what’s going on and if anyone can tell me where to find said chapter.
10/4/2022 c32 2TheInvisibleMan33
I’ve read this all in one night and this is amazing. I love this story, I love evil Ruby, I love Mom Salem. I love all of it. This story is awesome, and you are awesome for writing it.
I’ve read this all in one night and this is amazing. I love this story, I love evil Ruby, I love Mom Salem. I love all of it. This story is awesome, and you are awesome for writing it.
9/28/2022 c32 Guest
I never thought ide see this get an update again!
I never thought ide see this get an update again!
9/8/2022 c32 Quickened
That last Salem bit this and last chapter was so... excuse me while I go puke rainbows, I think I just ODed on WhOlEsOmEnEsS.
That last Salem bit this and last chapter was so... excuse me while I go puke rainbows, I think I just ODed on WhOlEsOmEnEsS.
9/7/2022 c31 Quickened
That last Salem bit was so... excuse me while I go puke rainbows; I think I just ODed on WhOlEsOmEnEsS
That last Salem bit was so... excuse me while I go puke rainbows; I think I just ODed on WhOlEsOmEnEsS