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11/6/2022 c14 Guest
Thanks for the hard work love the story _
5/12/2022 c1 1Excellentsunny101
Love this story! Hope you are able to rewrite the whole canon with Richard's perspective. I am especially interested in how he would interact later with heiji and amuro.
2/19/2022 c13 Tatsumi Takami
Excellent chapter.
2/7/2022 c1 Caecae
Don’t mind me just rereading for the 100th time.

I believe I’ve said before how much I love your voice and characterization for Richard, but another point that makes this story so engaging is your use of dramatic irony.

Retelling fanfics can be so difficult to do right, simply due to their nature as a rehash of canon. If the reader knows exactly how the story’s going, how does one keep them engaged enough to accept the retelling the author is providing? You, however utilize Richard’s POV and he reader’s experience with canon to create wonderful prose that illustrates the mental and moral distress Richard is going through, keeping him, and by extension the reader, completely in the dark regarding the bigger mysteries. But, because of the presumed experience, the reader is not.

Richard is always 10 steps behind the reader and that creates a fantastically engaging story.

This might have been barely coherent. It’s 3am sorry. Love this story !
12/19/2021 c4 1Feeling Schadenfreude
omg th IM DEAD
12/19/2021 c5 Feeling Schadenfreude
Just wanna say, I love the dynamics between Richard and, well, everyone really. It feels so natural, the way you write it all in. Not to mention the perspective we get into Richard's mind. The way he thinks, why he acts certain ways, who he is as a person, his character, everything. You've developed him really well, and in ways that make sense. Nice job on that!

Also, I'm really appreciating the more serious vibe this story gives. Instead of the cartoon logic in the original work, where they should just ignore serious issues, you're bringing them up in a natural, more realistic way. I just can't bring myself to look away from this. Your writing style is super addictive, too. All of that just makes this story that much more of a must read. Thanks for giving me a new addiction~
10/21/2021 c12 ForestShadeau
Thanks for the hard work love the story _
10/3/2021 c1 leafontree
It has been years since I kept up with Detective Conan. The fact that since just the show started you could have been roughly conan's age and now be roughly richard's age without really that much plot development meant that through time's evolution alone I faded out of their intended audience. This story however feels like a grown up version of the show. The side characters exist as more than just mouthpieces of whatever trope they embody. Your look at Richard's flailing about sort of maybe kidnapping Conan is the exact thing that as a kid you would never think about while watching the show, but as an adult does make you pause. That combined with the fact that this whole story isn't being told with the typical highschooler cast's drama does make this feel in the similar vein as the Toy Story sequels. A retooling of the same story, but meeting the original target audience at their new age appropriate intersection in life. I'll be fascinated to see what the end goal of this story is, and if Kogoro is going to figure Kudo out or if the ending will be written in as a permanent ellipses just like the never ending real thing.
9/20/2021 c5 Caecae
Man. Just, man. This is one of my absolute favorite fics. I stopped watching the series back in March, but I have reread this fic about six times since then. With a relatively simply retelling, you have completely captured and enriched every character that you’ve written. Richard’s voice and character is so clear and complete in the narration, it pulls you right in to his thought process and inner turmoil.

Just. Really good story! You’re very good at this!
8/31/2021 c11 ForestShadeau
Thanks for the hard work love the story _
8/24/2021 c11 Tatsumi Takami
Enjoyed it. Good chapter.
7/1/2021 c10 40bajy
great job here!
5/29/2021 c1 2The Half-Wit Brit

I have high confidence when I say that this is one of the best fics I've ever read.

I've never had a problem with the English names, I started watching with the dub and reading with the altered names, so reverting is second nature at this point. But for any reading do not let that little jump keep you from this.

Every paragraph I read drips of charm and care, all of it fits Richards narration so very well it's mind numbing. All I feel is actual awe after every chapter. It almost feels like I'm reading a published original work (might as well be, with how little anyone other than a teenager is characterized in the series).

Every chapter makes me hurt, makes me happy, makes me laugh, makes me feel. Just- god. I don't know how to describe how good this fic is.

Please keep writing. You have such a genuine talent for it.
5/19/2021 c9 ForestShadeau
Thanks for the hard work love the story _
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