Just In
for Homemade

5/2/2021 c1 Kaizer1008
Kudos to the writer of this book. You did an amazing job. Why don't you try to publish your book in NovelStar? A lot of readers will love your work, judging from the book I just read.
8/24/2018 c1 7Whovianeverlark17
this was really cute! and really in character too. loved it!
6/15/2018 c1 3BDemon1995
Super cute!
3/12/2018 c1 InThePits
I honestly, truly love this story! The language used makes it so relatable (as in the way you narrated their actions is how the would actually act) and interesting~ I honestly believe that this fandom is dead T-T) I haven't seen and novel-length SG story apart from No Matter What. all I've seen is (are?) one shots (they're okay tooI still love 'em).. I mean.. it doesn't even gave an Amino app ._.)... I guess people grew out of the fandom..oh well *shrugs*
2/13/2018 c1 20OnlyHere4Puckabrina
I love this story! It's so sweet, but also got that Grimm humour we love so much. Like shooting Sabrina out of a cannon. And by the way, if this fandom ever dies, it's going to have to take me with it!
2/11/2018 c1 21Pinklily8
Very cute-I love Daphne and Puck's relationship. Almost like he's the older brother that she never had. (Well, he does become her brother-in-law, so some dreams certainly come true.)

The, "We have succeeded in being domestic" was fantastic, you really got me laughing there. Puck getting the flowers made me smile, and his denial of actually being nice to Sabrina is realistic. Makes you think that the real reason Daphne knows they like each other is because she sees all of the nice stuff that Puck does behind Sabrina's back.

Great story! Hope to see more!


P.S. I certainly hope this fandom isn't gone, haha. If the other Sister Grimm authors are anything like me, they're just swamped in school work and life.
2/7/2018 c1 Guest
I love it! So fun. The fandom is totally still alive! I made my friends read the series, I will keep it alive. LOL :) great job
1/31/2018 c1 12quillandspindle
"The flowers were your idea," - that's so perfectly Puck! As was "She sneezed on me. On purpose." Oh, such a fun read. Thank you for writing this! And yes, this fandom is still alive!
1/30/2018 c1 Ironyinourlives
That was incredible. I really enjoyed it!
1/30/2018 c1 Guest
Aw cute!

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