Just In
for Angel Unaware

10/6/2018 c1 guest
all the chapters are gone
9/27/2018 c1 K9Train
Did you just delete all the former chapters of this fic? I was in the middle of reading chapter seven and suddenly they had all disappeared.
9/21/2018 c21 Stef
Omg, just as things were heating up. Love the story and Can't wait for the new chapters.
8/9/2018 c1 Black Fungus
I usually don't read stories with oc's much. Hunting down Cass caught my eyeballs. I like it. Off to read Chapter 2.:)
7/24/2018 c18 4siriusenigma
You've got an awesome story, please write more!
7/12/2018 c18 11CitrineMama
This was great! I loved the interactions between Poppie and Chuck. Can't wait for the next!
7/4/2018 c17 CitrineMama
I loved this! Made me think back to the episode and I could totally see Sam geeking out with his college friends! Thank you for this! Can't wait for the next!
7/4/2018 c16 CitrineMama
UGH... right in the feels. Dean's tears always break me. Thank you for the update!
6/10/2018 c15 2rae-reader1993
Just wanted to let you know that chapter 14 and 15 are the same, seems that 14 was uploaded again. Love your story!
6/7/2018 c16 kai-baekyun98
I love this book so much... can't wait to read more
6/7/2018 c16 Applejax XD
snap, I cant believe Cas snapped at Dean like that, I cant wait for the next chappie XD
5/17/2018 c14 11CitrineMama
I seriously loved this chapter! From the playful interaction between Poppie and Dean to the serious ones between Cas and Sam, everything was perfect. Thank you for the update!
4/24/2018 c12 Guest
I love this story xx
4/10/2018 c10 Guest
Awesome story! Really loving it
3/26/2018 c9 2hpfan59
so good! but i need more cas Dx
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