Just In
for Polaris

8/16/2020 c4 6Mermaid 32
Han and Leia still so in love... yay!
8/15/2020 c5 Mermaid 32
My last two reviews were supposed to be for the previous two chapters!

Here's what I have to say about this one. You have done a great deal of research to create this story! As a history buff, I really appreciate that effort. Also, I like the backsory for Millenia, and for Luke and Leia. Nice touch.
7/30/2020 c4 4luv15
Nice to see this story return!
7/29/2020 c1 44knitzkampf
I like how you've incorporated characters into new yet same roles. And Han a racer- of course. Fun!
7/19/2018 c3 6Mermaid 32
I am enjoying this story. What an interesting and exciting idea for an Earth-based AU! The story of the actual 1925 serum run is like a sit-on-the-edge-of-your-seat movie, and I like how you've incorporated Han and Leia's personalities here, and how you feature Rieekan and Mara and Jyn as well. Poor little Jaina! Han's going to have to move quickly!
5/21/2018 c2 3Audrey Auburn
Loved it! Very well done.
Waiting for more ;)
5/21/2018 c2 d'Chinook
loving it
5/21/2018 c2 winterwalkingafterastorm
I’m really enjoying this so far! Can’t wait to read more! :)
2/10/2018 c1 d'Chinook
Interesting idea, great job. Can't wait to read more about it.
2/9/2018 c1 d'Chinook
This fic looks interesting, great job. Waiting for the next update

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