Just In
for Lightning

12/14/2018 c1 Bonnie
The fear and the blood were all real things.
His mind immediately flew to injury.
She is a good strong woman not to panic and lead him back to the light! Excellent story.
7/15/2018 c1 an00626
Very good...
6/26/2018 c1 debb lavoie
I enjoyed your story and liked that you showed Ranger's PTSD.
2/13/2018 c1 3Vulcan Rider
I can see this happening exactly like this. It's just Steph's luck. Poor Ranger, (and all our men and women who survive warzones, but are left with the mental and emotional scars) One of the things that trigger PTSD is thunder and lightning, as well as firecrackers. The sounds of war and shelling. That would be bad enough, but being as observant as Ranger is, of course he's notice the blood right away and worry, especially in his state of mind.
A beautifully written piece of what our returning vets have to live with. So glad Steph was able to get through to him.
Maggie M.
2/12/2018 c1 AZBarb
That was a great story! It's nice to see that Ranger has a vulnerable side and that Steph is able to comfort him during that time. Love them together!
2/12/2018 c1 ShadowDragon2112
great story.
2/12/2018 c1 1jules3677
PTSD is a awful thing to endure, especially if its mother nature triggering the reaction. You wrote Steph's reaction brilliantly. Thank you.
2/11/2018 c1 melyons
That was nice. Stephanie comforting Carlos for once. PTSD sucks. I would be surprised if Ranger didn’t have it though given his background.
2/11/2018 c1 Barb4psu
2/11/2018 c1 9the newest daughter
When they are in a flashback the only thing you can do is try to talk them back.
2/11/2018 c1 shellbell78
Great job!
2/11/2018 c1 2trhodes9
Pretty good. Thunderstorms do cause problems for many of our returning vets, especially ones that are mostly thunder and less storm. Reminds them of bombs and artillery. Steph handled it just right.
2/11/2018 c1 lucylovestammi3
I love all your stories and your one cover so much story in them.

Well done!
2/11/2018 c1 GarbanzoBeans
Awkward embarrassing but definitely not something the guys want to see and it's hard for someone who hasn't been in combat to understand the first sight of blood can create panic.
2/11/2018 c1 25Elenimou
Indeed lightning and thunder will set off PTSD. The sight and maybe smell of blood would further enchanted the episode. Singling was a good choice, also soft talking. As much action Ranger has seen, his PTSD will last for years in some form. I first saw it in a high school physics instructor when lightning occurred. Back then we called it shell shock. Good story...and we’ve all probably had period catastrophes. It happens.
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