Just In
for Fated Meeting

12/4/2018 c1 71Fireember345
since you're not continuing the story, mind if I do it?
11/20/2018 c1 knightingstone
This is a very interesting concept. Very well written that it makes me wonder how Hiccup will react to all of it, including the teens.
10/3/2018 c1 Pickledpopcorn
This is very unique! Great job
6/12/2018 c1 1LonelyPickle
At the guest before me, I don’t agree. Fanfiction is all about things that aren’t expected to happen/different universes/things that would never happen. I personally really liked the premise of two soulmates being complete and utter enemies of each other. Viggo has stated on multiple occasions that’s hiccup is a worthy opponent, and I think that puts the two on fair ground. I think in a sick, twisted way, soulmates would totally work like this. I suppose in the universes point of view, if you think about it, if Hiccup and Viggo worked together, they would be pretty much unstoppable—an amazing duo. Though, not likely, as Hiccup has better morals than that, but that’s what fanfics are? Twisting canon into new, interesting concepts and headcanons. Hiccup seems pretty apprehensive towards Viggo being his soulmate anyways, so I don’t see what the big deal is.

As for the author of this fic, I love it! It’s so interesting! Tbh I wish it was more than a one shot, and I’d like to see how Hiccup would take this, and the gang. But this is amazing! Short and bittersweet aha. Good job!
2/11/2018 c1 Guest
I rarely will say but the entire premise of this one-shot is terrible. There is no way in Valhalla or Helheim that Hiccup and Vigo could EVER, EVER, EVER be soul-mates. To say that the characters are OOC is not to be guilty of GROSS understatement. The only semi-"redeemable" quality for this work is that it is mercifully a "one-shot."
2/11/2018 c1 Star
This is amazing!
2/11/2018 c1 1Patsi24
Por favor, por favor sigue esta historia, es fascinante
2/11/2018 c1 gabrielyalejandra.rengellopez
hell this is good, I loved it, although the only place where I can read it is here in fanfiction since I use Google translator to read it and I can not follow you on your other account because it would be lost without my Google translator and here in fanfiction is easier to use ... if I have to settle for this one shot although I was left wanting more. :(
2/11/2018 c1 29MysticalKC
Ohhh interesting! Love it! :)

btw what's your username on AO3 so I can subscribe to you please? :)

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