Just In
for A Rose By Any Other Name

12/5/2022 c1 HawwyPawtter
*insert Mr Bean waiting meme*
12/13/2021 c1 12Lunasilverfrost
who's back here in 2021 still waiting for an update
11/14/2021 c1 solarisbond
please update i wanna know more. hmm lets hope Draco change his mind about her. Can't wait see the reaction of her being 'spoiled' although she was being mistreated towards Dursleys.
5/11/2021 c1 Alyssa
Oh, please please please update! So good, I wonder how Snape and McGonagall are going to say next!
1/17/2021 c1 Mystic mog
Umm.. one chapter? And an update that was supposed to be two years ago?
9/23/2020 c1 Guest
Please update
9/14/2020 c1 blankardtheeighth
I hope the next chapter shows Draco‘s reaction to waking up in her body
7/23/2020 c1 tihaadri29
I wish there's more... this book is awesome!
but I shall wait when you choose to come back
10/31/2019 c1 Guest
7/23/2019 c1 Guest
Why do you have to come up with such interesting ideas and then pretty much abandon them? It’s July of 2019 now! Please continue?
6/2/2019 c1 Guest
I wish l could read more but seeing that maybe you are busy so that wait but l like the concept of the book line
5/3/2019 c1 Guest
Oh gosh, I can’t stop giggling! This is brill; hope you’ll continue!
11/14/2018 c1 YourLocalGarbageCan
OHHH MY MERLIN THIS IS AWWSOMEEEEE...but wait..February 27,2018 already passed...:'v
8/19/2018 c1 magrud
That previous comment was me, btw. ;)
8/19/2018 c1 Guest
I need more!
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