11/14/2021 c1 solarisbond
please update i wanna know more. hmm lets hope Draco change his mind about her. Can't wait see the reaction of her being 'spoiled' although she was being mistreated towards Dursleys.
please update i wanna know more. hmm lets hope Draco change his mind about her. Can't wait see the reaction of her being 'spoiled' although she was being mistreated towards Dursleys.
5/11/2021 c1 Alyssa
Oh, please please please update! So good, I wonder how Snape and McGonagall are going to say next!
Oh, please please please update! So good, I wonder how Snape and McGonagall are going to say next!
1/17/2021 c1 Mystic mog
Umm.. one chapter? And an update that was supposed to be two years ago?
Umm.. one chapter? And an update that was supposed to be two years ago?
9/23/2020 c1 Guest
Please update
Please update
9/14/2020 c1 blankardtheeighth
I hope the next chapter shows Draco‘s reaction to waking up in her body
I hope the next chapter shows Draco‘s reaction to waking up in her body
7/23/2020 c1 tihaadri29
I wish there's more... this book is awesome!
but I shall wait when you choose to come back
I wish there's more... this book is awesome!
but I shall wait when you choose to come back
10/31/2019 c1 Guest
7/23/2019 c1 Guest
Why do you have to come up with such interesting ideas and then pretty much abandon them? It’s July of 2019 now! Please continue?
Why do you have to come up with such interesting ideas and then pretty much abandon them? It’s July of 2019 now! Please continue?
6/2/2019 c1 Guest
I wish l could read more but seeing that maybe you are busy so that wait but l like the concept of the book line
I wish l could read more but seeing that maybe you are busy so that wait but l like the concept of the book line
5/3/2019 c1 Guest
Oh gosh, I can’t stop giggling! This is brill; hope you’ll continue!
Oh gosh, I can’t stop giggling! This is brill; hope you’ll continue!
11/14/2018 c1 YourLocalGarbageCan
OHHH MY MERLIN THIS IS AWWSOMEEEEE...but wait..February 27,2018 already passed...:'v
OHHH MY MERLIN THIS IS AWWSOMEEEEE...but wait..February 27,2018 already passed...:'v
8/19/2018 c1 magrud
That previous comment was me, btw. ;)
That previous comment was me, btw. ;)
8/19/2018 c1 Guest
I need more!
I need more!