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for Son of Atlas

8/11/2024 c1 Guest
He ALWAYS cares about Not being rude. « Since when does he cares about being a decent human »
6/4/2020 c1 Guest
If you want help maybe read twins of atlas from goosemaster I think.
He’s an awesome author
3/10/2020 c1 2Ace Alucard Lwolf
This story sucks
2/21/2019 c5 TheDarkKnight
Why! I guess I understand the hiatus. But that doesn’t mean I have to like it!
6/16/2018 c5 16StyxxsOmega
Sounds very interesting so far! Loving it! Please write more when you can.
3/1/2018 c5 Perseus Apollyon
3/1/2018 c4 39Ronnie R15
I vote Artemis!
2/26/2018 c4 DazedTorrent
I would say Hestia, she would seem to be the most open, especially with how Peseus acts like a true family with his siblings it would help her trust him more. Thalia is meh, Artemis is very unlikely, IMO Zoë is like a daughter to her so that would be like dating your daughters brother, just ew.
2/26/2018 c4 2Roland's Blade
Sorry for the huge delay guys, school got in the way! I'll try to update soon.
2/21/2018 c4 Sean Malloy-1
I hope you'll be updating this soon.
2/20/2018 c1 saysikern
That is the most random question Zoë could ask. Like seriously. She knew the answer was probably obvious.
2/20/2018 c4 1coffee. addict
2/20/2018 c4 alkirius
2/20/2018 c4 DarkslayerSparda
2/19/2018 c2 3Meistar
BTW, this sounds an awful lot like The Son of Atlas by Izzybella12. I might report you, because this is copying somebodies work.
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