Just In
for Yggdrasil

1/15/2021 c9 Guest
I always come back and read this one again and again. I hope u turn it into a complete story
1/15/2021 c4 Guest
Hope u turn this one into a full story some day
1/15/2021 c12 Guest
Hope u turn this one into a full story
3/8/2020 c13 9Midsully
I like the subversion of the au by having both Hiccup and Zephyr almost immediately figure it out
7/30/2019 c12 5KrazySuperGirl
What about a Star Wars AU?
6/23/2019 c12 8CommanderGreya
Really awesome chapter. Would like to see more of this AU
6/22/2019 c6 43BenRG
"... and I can only guard your body if it is more-or-less intact. So from now on, if I say 'get down and stay still, you do it. Got that?"
6/19/2019 c9 Kira Ferris
Omfg Chapter 9 was amazing and I need more!
6/19/2019 c12 4CajunBear73
Methinks they will have a beautiful friendship...and more, when they get that revenge...

6/19/2019 c12 1IcyForest
AHH I love this AU! I'm all for the revenge stories, especially with Hiccup! Plus, chubby Astrid! OOF, whatever physique she had, I'll always love her!

And my sister loved the K-Drama too! I let her read the one-shot and she liked it a lot!
4/12/2019 c11 4CajunBear73
Appealing to something akin to personal honor...saved 3 lives that night.

3/29/2019 c10 CajunBear73
While Hiccup learns his Night Fury is beyond anything a behavioral book can teach him...Astrid may just tag along and think about changing careers...

Just to get to know the Dragon Rider who slimed her library...

1/31/2019 c9 CajunBear73
Interesting take on Dragons and Hooligans...Until the raid, I'd say the Dragons had more trouble with their charges than in their previous lines of work...

1/31/2019 c9 A Plump Hutt
1/22/2019 c8 jennkaye
A fascinating beginning. Will this one be continued? Will any of the others? Though, I must say, most of them are just enough story arc to portray a complete plot. They are near perfect amuse-bouches, filled with complex flavors but entirely self contained. Well done. This one, though...this one I want more.
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