Just In
for Yggdrasil

8/5/2018 c3 53ShipMistress
I really like this one... kinda want to see it flashed out... aaahh, but that would be a HEL lot of work...
8/4/2018 c1 ShipMistress
You know what's frustrating? Whenever I read such unconnected AU one shots, I immediately start to wonder how it continues. What happened before? Which circunstances led to this situation? What happens next? What problems will arise? How do they get out of them?

And all that while I KNOW it's just a oneshot...

Anyway, nice shot at another scenario I haven't seen before. Actually resurrecting one into modern times...
On to the next...

PS: Oh the pain of hearing DT scream "ASTRID" as she falls... ;O my heart...
7/21/2018 c4 Valkyrie
Really wish they had that talk though...
7/5/2018 c4 8ChaMeleonNinja812
6/28/2018 c4 1Pest-chan
This is just GENIUS! Praises praises! Keep up the good work!
6/25/2018 c4 Warlocktoungue
you better write a sequel o' this one didya hear me?
thanks for the update
6/25/2018 c4 4CajunBear73
I think they're going to have one heck of a wedding...

And a wedding night, when this is over.

6/25/2018 c1 2Mei1395
Your AUs are absolutely wonderful to read. I love every single one of them. However, it'd be a pity, if you let some of them stand as they are. Like the mummy AU, for example. It would be really interesting to see at least the aftermath of it.
I can't wait to see what more else you will write for this collection.
6/25/2018 c1 8CommanderGreya
That was just awesome, love this AU series
6/25/2018 c4 Guest
That was amazing you need to do more things like this
6/25/2018 c4 Grizzly98
Too lazy to sign in atm but just wanted to say I absolutely ABSOLUTELY loved this chapter. At first I was so confused about what was going on and feeling Astrid's pain oh that hurt. But that was, oh, that was awesomely amazing and I can't wait to see what au you do next.
4/8/2018 c3 Guest
I love this au
4/5/2018 c3 CommanderGreya
This is friggin great! Keep writing, the hunger for AU's is unsatiable!
4/3/2018 c3 Razor95
Very cool chapter. Straight to the point yet with enough to let our imaginations run wild. Strong characters and really cool scenarios that follow a natural arc.

Top notch stuff. More of this please. :-)
4/3/2018 c3 Warlocktoungue
my favorite so far!
keep up with them!
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