Just In
for The Perfect Man

3/9 c6 Annie
I’ve really enjoyed all your stories that I’ve read. I hope you will finish this but with getting your masters degree and all, I’m sure you have had a lot of changes in your life and priorities. I hope things have worked out well for you and made you happy.
I’m going to finish all your stories before going own to another author. Yours are some of my favorites. Thank you!
7/16/2023 c6 Guest
I hope you finish this story and let Stephanie move on from ranger
3/26/2022 c6 Guest
Congratulations on gaining your Bachelor's!

I was excite when I discovered that you had updated this story, and I hope that you will have time to finish it sometime. Maybe have the doctor an Hector get together and Steph find a fabulous new man (not Ranger, though). Because it's such a good storyline, the possibilities could be endless! Thank you
5/17/2021 c6 Guidittaponcetta
Please finish this story...and hopefully with a BABE HEA!
2/12/2021 c6 Guest
Fuck Mathew and Stephanie bat
12/18/2020 c6 Guest
Another unfinished story with a crap abrupt end
7/15/2020 c6 Guest
I'm really enjoying this, can't wait for the next chapter.
3/25/2020 c6 melyons
I am a good guesser. And petrichor is a very cool word. Always one of my favourites Congrats on graduating and taking on a new challenge.
3/25/2020 c6 Tommy14
Makes me happy that Matthew and Hector would find love with each other. Hopefully Ranger has had his eyes opened and will be in agreement with Steph to commit to a relationship.
3/24/2020 c6 3Vulcan Rider
Loved the chapter. I wondered if you were broadening Matthew's horizons. I adore Hector and always love stories where he plays a large part.

I originally read Matthew's last name as Wade, but now I see you have it as Ward?
Steph has really grown up. I'm glad she's finally doing the self-reflection to realize that she didn't want to play games and if Ranger truly didn't want a relationship, then she needed to cut down their meetings to monthly. She's finally grown up.
Maggie M.
3/24/2020 c6 Cuaren15
Nice update. Hope for more soon.
3/24/2020 c6 loveablueeyedboy
Thanks for the update. I’ve enjoyed the story and am glad to have another piece of it. I hope we get to see the end soon for these guys.
3/24/2020 c6 JB
So happy to see you back to this story. I actually loved this chapter, it revealed so much. Knowing Steph, she probably is intuned to Matthews struggles and will help him through. Loved Hectors POV, he is a fav. I'm all for a Matthew and Hector partnership and I'm sure Steph is as well. Steph is growing and definitely coming into her own, her thoughts on Ranger are spot on, he's either all in or he is out. Enough of the tease and retreat. Thanks for sharing more of the story, look forward to where we go from here. JB.
Congrats on you Graduation and good luck with your Masters!
3/24/2020 c6 shellbell78
Awesome update! I can’t wait for more! I love how you are showing what everyone is going through. And congrats on your bachelor’s!
3/24/2020 c6 GarbanzoBeans
Love the turns this story is taking. As we grow our live change in ways that we may not have dreamed of. it is called destiny for a reason and to fight it makes one miserable.
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