Just In
for Lies

5/5/2018 c1 Meenathequeen
the opening was hot and steamy. and caught my there is more chapters when you have time.
4/11/2018 c1 4NinjaKitten93
Loving this. Please continue soon! I am interested in their relationship
3/27/2018 c1 DevaG
so... please tell me there is more?
2/27/2018 c1 1LivingTheDream641
The little peak was good. Can’t wait for more. Very curious as to their relationship.
2/23/2018 c1 Guest
My curiosity has been Spark!
Update Soon
2/24/2018 c1 keotaka1
More please!
2/24/2018 c1 bunnygirl2510
can't wait to read more

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