Just In
for The Secret Marriage Trope

10/4/2022 c1 hotelvampire
Liked this, a Shenny fan.
4/18/2022 c1 Tee Hill
10/22/2021 c1 611Ghostwriter
I love this. Well done.
3/14/2021 c1 38Marjorie Nescio
I can see it happening and I'm glad Penny's job is acting.
1/29/2021 c1 justread14
10/10 for me! Thank you for the read.. deffs would read again
9/21/2019 c1 2CarissaWinchester
hahaha hilarious lol amazing story thx
12/10/2018 c1 Guest
hahaha great one-shot! If only the show paired had them up :(
11/19/2018 c1 kimjo2
Love it! Thanks
9/7/2018 c1 Guest
This was really fun! Just one thing: When Howard says Au chante, he should have said Enchanté. Kudos!
8/15/2018 c1 1cathern.cain
This was just too cute.
3/11/2018 c1 Guest
Liked this one shot. Wouldn't have worked as a series though.
3/8/2018 c1 42Alisha Mendelsohn
oh my god! I finally got the chance to read this, sorry for taking so long, but i love it so much! everything about it is perfect and i was just squealing internally while reading it and i just have to say that Sheldon is so completely spot on, i mean everyone is, Penny too and don't even get me started on how adorable these two are being married, it was fabulous!
3/6/2018 c1 15fairydust26
loved it!
3/2/2018 c1 Kat
This is very cute and interesting. I hope you continue this story and update soon :)
3/3/2018 c1 1DiegoARL38
Well, that was fun. Since I'm a pretty enthusiastic anime fan, I started to think about studios, licensors, dubs, and such... Great story, I love secret marriages.
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