Just In
for Daydreams & Curiosity

1/27/2020 c7 acw1
1/26/2020 c7 swoopingxbad
AHHHHHHHHHH yes finally
1/26/2020 c7 Roswellian1984
They dont have too, Bella can break up w Edward first she can tell him she doesn't want them in Forks anymore, and after they take off Jasper can divorce Alice, he can take off towards Peter then he can go to Bella.
1/26/2020 c7 19orchidluv
Can't wait for more!
1/26/2020 c7 traceybuie
I hope Jasper is ready to protect Bella when they tell. I have a feeling that Alice and Edward might be a little spiteful. Thanks for writing and sharing.
1/26/2020 c6 orchidluv
Oh gosh this is so great
1/26/2020 c5 orchidluv
I do see it and I like it!
1/26/2020 c7 SassYNoleS

Finally jasper has given in about his feelings for Bella ..

Can't wait to see what happens next !
1/26/2020 c7 1ForrestersWitch
Someone is someone's mate! Deliciously so!
1/26/2020 c7 caressa28
Thank you for the update! I love this Jasper.
1/26/2020 c4 19orchidluv
Oh I love how this is going.
1/26/2020 c7 1B4bidden
absolutely love this! would enjoy reading more
1/26/2020 c7 Vivi H88
Great chapter can't wait till the next one
1/26/2020 c7 mandygurl19
YES! so excited to see how that plays out he just needs to claim her and leave... but guessing it won't be that easy! live this story can't wait for the next chapter
1/26/2020 c6 tinkermist99
Plz update
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