Just In
for Daydreams & Curiosity

5/15/2022 c16 Avrilsum41
Aww, I‘m a little sad for Eddie xD
4/19/2022 c6 asia.joanna.7334
Omg omg Omg Omg Omg Omg i love it
4/17/2022 c5 asia.joanna.7334
Omg omg Omg Omg Omg Omg i love it
4/9/2022 c16 traceybuie
Thanks for writing and sharing.
4/9/2022 c16 Navywife07
Love it
4/8/2022 c16 munzke11
I’m surprised Jasper didn’t fight harder to be rid of them.
4/8/2022 c16 2decadenceofmysoul
Awesome update!
4/8/2022 c16 3jeoliverio
Oh' Come on Bella get a back bone and kill Alice, she says that Jasper is her Husband. That was rub me wrong
4/8/2022 c16 1B4bidden
mmm wonder what Aro is upto
4/8/2022 c16 1triinityz
Ugh not sure how I feel. I think Alice should have died. Who cares about Edweird, lol
4/8/2022 c16 SassYNoleS
Thanks for another great chapter!

I wonder why the other kings of the Volturi allowed Aro to keep Alice and Edward alive? Seems like they will be more of a hindrance to everyone ..

I love when Jasper and Bella talk in their thoughts to each other and so cannot wait for more X
4/8/2022 c16 2MademoiselleFF
Aro you are a jerk
3/22/2022 c1 grumpieroldman
I love me some dark twilight.
3/20/2022 c15 traceybuie
Of course Edward and Alice ran off like cowards. But how did none of the Volturi notice? Hmmm... Well, there's a job for Demetri, I guess. I am relieved that snotty Rosalie is gone. She was bitchy to the end... Thanks for writing and sharing.
3/19/2022 c15 1My Eyez Are Watching Everyone
Those two slimy bitches lol
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