Just In
for Daydreams & Curiosity

3/12/2022 c14 BukakkeGirl
I can
Not wait for more
3/10/2022 c14 traceybuie
That's a lot of pressure on Bella. Thanks for writing and sharing.
3/9/2022 c14 1triinityz
Welcome back! I was so excited to get the notification! Amazing chapter and I love how you didn't make her power stupid like in the books lol, sorry SM. I'm conflicted about the cullens, I never have a problem with Edward or Alice dying, but I'm worried about the rest of them.
3/9/2022 c14 10Windwoman
Keep going this has been an awesome story so far!
3/9/2022 c14 2decadenceofmysoul
Awesome update!
3/9/2022 c14 SassYNoleS
Thanks for the chapter!

Loved it and so cannot wait for more Xx
3/9/2022 c14 Moondancer1818
Cannot wait to see what happens with the Cullens.
3/9/2022 c14 Navywife07
Great update please update soon
3/8/2022 c13 PacifiedOwl
Love this story, so glad to see it's been updated!
2/21/2022 c13 Emo4
I love this story.
2/21/2022 c7 19orchidluv
2/18/2022 c4 orchidluv
Love this
1/9/2022 c13 Vwchick
Great chapter! Thank you!
1/9/2022 c13 bibime
oh my god... I have devoured your story and can't wait for more! please continue soon! greetings form Austria
1/7/2022 c13 1triinityz
Yay! Omg thank you for not waiting 87 chapters to change her. I hate that and it gets dull, though 87 chapters of her and Jasper humping would distract me lol.
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