Just In
for Daydreams & Curiosity

12/14/2021 c11 1tinac
Presa means Action of Taking
So what is your thought of Jasper calling her that? He called her that in front of others ( Edward a few chapters back when Jasper was working on his bike) and I am just confused.
And in this chapter Bella is so shocked that he talks Italian, but he has been ... Presa is Italian.
12/14/2021 c3 Roxhall1
YES! They found their connection!
Time to drop Edwierdo like a sack of unwanted bricks..
12/14/2021 c3 Roxhall1
The poor tortured things.. Why not leave together? They don't have anyone there..
12/14/2021 c2 Roxhall1
A wild dance of foreplay...
12/14/2021 c1 Roxhall1
I freaking loved it! Will they have a round two? Is Bella, Jasper's mate?
11/17/2021 c10 Emo4
this story is delicious.
8/28/2021 c10 Roleplaying.queen
please update
7/19/2021 c10 Missysue32
Please Update Again Soon I was really enjoying this story!
7/4/2021 c10 1My Eyez Are Watching Everyone
love this story and I wish there was more to read
6/4/2021 c10 Granny Wolf
I do love when Jasper gets the girl.. lol nice tale thanks for sharing!
4/2/2021 c10 2MademoiselleFF
I love. It's intense between the two of them. I want to read the next chapter.
1/17/2021 c8 Artsitina
This is by far one of the best written Jasper/Bella fics I have read in a LONG time. I can’t get enough.
12/24/2020 c10 bbmassey88
Lord I wanted so much more! I’ve read all of your stories of Bella and Jasper, don’t know how I missed this one!
8/25/2020 c10 swoopingxbad
I need more please keep going
8/20/2020 c10 Guest
Oh please finish this
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